As you may have already heard, Zero Hour has been cancelled by ABC after only three episodes. The news doesn’t come as a surprise as the debut represented ABC’s worst scripted premiere in the history of their regular seasons. The numbers for episodes two and three were even worse.
Still, there were at least five million or so people who made a point of watching Zero Hour each week. They’re understandably upset about the cancellation news — as are members of the cast.
Addison Timlin (Rachel): “The end of zerohour brings me great sadness, but every ending is a new beginning and that is always laced with hope. Thank you all, truly.” “What to the world was just 3 episodes was a whole year for us. Truly an honor to know, work with and love you, to everyone on the team. Xo”
Jacinda Barrett (Laila): agreed with Timlin’s second statement and added, “couldn’t have said it better. Xxxx”
Carmen Ejogo (Beck): “In a NY minute everything can change In a NY minute things can get a little strange” “#nomorezerohour I guess that means I can start watching American Idol again. #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife” “I believe process is often more important than outcome. I had the BEST time making @ZeroHour_ABC with everyone all year, so #noregretsbaby”
Scott Michael Foster (Aaron): “I absolutely loved #ZeroHour and everyone who worked on it. Will miss filming one of the coolest and enjoyable shows I’ve been on.” “To all my wonderful twitter followers, you make the hard part of this job so much easier with your kind words and support. Thank you.”
What do you think? What was your reaction to Zero Hour being cancelled? What did you think of the work of the show’s cast and crew?
ABC you suck!!!!! Just found out tonight when I was wondering why my DVR didn’t have it scheduled to tape and then wanted to know why it wasn’t new tonight. So pissed! Was so happy that there was finally a show I could enjoy and you don’t even give it a chance! Um…FYI…I didn’t tune in for the premier or the other two episodes either, because I prefer to watch my shows from my DVR and when I feel like watching…did you ever think that most people these days watch their shows taped also!? And my son who is now… Read more »
We enjoyed this show. It was different, made us do some thinking, didn’t have to watch ******, sex invaded plot lines constantly. My 16 yr old son isn’t a tv watcher but has been looking forward to this show all week! We loved the Biblical references. Even if one doesn’t believe in the Bible, the inferences are a part of any World History class. Sorry to see it leave the air.
Very disappointed-this was the first show I’ve bothered to watch in years. Our house has rarely watches network TV. We actually looked forward to Thursday nights again-guess we will go back to DVD’s and Netflix.
You finally found an original and interesting plot line and a show I looked forward to watch while unraveling the mystery and you cancel it without even giving it a chance. And then you replace it with a lame reality show rerun that no body watched the first time. You suck ABC
I am very disappointed. I enjoyed Zero Hour. It is the ONLY show on network television that I have liked this year. It actually had good acting, an interesting plot, and it made me think. I guess THINKING is enough to cancel a show– after all what did you replace it with—SHARK TANK reruns!!! I am sick of reality, sex, same plot line shows—I guess I am finished with most network television–especially American trash!!!!!!!!!
Absolutely the best show ABC has done in years, I don’t think they could handle the Biblical aspects to it. This show should have been on Fox or USA.
Couldn’t handle the Biblical Aspects I meant
I don’t get it? Give it some time, or change the day or time slot. Maybe it was just going to take some time to get viewers. Idol, has a big following, but I would much rather watch this and I think given time, others would have tuned in. I hope they decide to bring it back and put in another slot. Or maybe a smart network like Fox will buy the rights to it!
This is unbelievable. We looked forward to watching this great show. I am frustrated with ABC and would like to know why they prefer shows that have partial nudity compared to a show like this one. is it because it might controversial due to the religious comparisons on the show. I will be switching to cable and avoid ABC. Really disappointed in their decision!
Way to go ABC – You finally put on a show that I looked forward to and then didn’t give it a snowball’s chance in hell. Really, opposite the Big Bang Theory and you only gave it THREE episodes to get a following. What moron does your programming?
Big mistake. Zero Hour was a great show. Guess NBC gets all my viewing time. ABC will not be on my television again.
WTF! This show was so interesting, I can’t believe it! I was looking forward to tonight’s episode. Why don’t you cancel “The Neighbors” ABC that show sucks.
ZERO HOUR had a lot of potential. I don’t watch IDOL and was glad something better was finally on in that time slot. Another good decision by ABC!
I eagerly looked forward to watching Zero Hour this evening, only to see Shark Tank! After an internet inquiry I learned that Zero Hour has been cancelled. ABC has made a grave error in judgement. I used to watch ABC exclusively, but I continue to be more and more disappointed in their offerings. Zero Hour required a degree of intellect to follow. OMG! I had to pay attention! What a novel concept! The loss of Zero Hour just makes me want to read instead of watch. Beyond the news, ABC really offers very little quality entertainment these days. Cable TV,… Read more »
Like you, I’m in my sixties and echo every word you wrote. Only difference is I’m an NBC fan. Very very disappointed. I hope the network seriously reconsiders. This show is sure to gain a huge following by word of mouth.
Doesn’t that just figure. Finally a show where it takes more then 2 brain cells to understand the plot line and pay attention and it gets cancelled. It takes time to develop characters and sub plots. Did ABC ever consider that this series might just take more then 2 or 3 weeks to develop a following as well. I agree with Mary McGill, if ABC doesn’t have the patience to develop a story line on prime time channels, put it on another ABC owned cable channel.
We were so looking forward to watching it today! This was the only show I’ve actually sat down to watch since 24 was on. What a dissapointment…