Discovery Channel has cancelled their Sons of Guns TV show after series star Will Hayden’s arrest on Wednesday. He’s been charged with aggravated rape. His arrest came two weeks after he was released on $150k bond following charges that he molested a child, his 12-year-old daughter.
Discovery said in a statement, “Given the serious and horrific nature of the charges against Will Hayden, we have decided to halt further production of Sons of Guns and cancel the series.”
Sons of Guns is based on Red Jacket Firearms in Louisiana, a custom weapons company that Hayden founded and ran. The company posted a statement on its website Wednesday saying it has “initiated and received full legal separation as an entity” from Hayden.
The site notes, “With heavy hearts, we will be continuing to operate and ensure the fulfillment of new customer orders, back orders and to provide support to those affected by these new developments. WE are the Heart and Soul of Red Jacket and will remain steadfast in our commitment to quality and our customers, for years to come.”
The series debuted in January 2011 on Discover Channel. The fifth season of nine episodes completed its run on May 16th.
What do you think? Have you enjoyed the show? Do you think the quick cancellation was premature or, considering the charges, was it appropriate?
IS everone that stupid? If he is wrong fry him but if he is not ?????
ME &ERIC are from Belleville.ill we had watch the show all the time.we did not know
will had a second daughter.and if this is true .with all the women in the world and
his money.and he seems so intelligent.why his own bloodline.
I enjoyed the show. Anyone has the right to free speech but on the other side of the coin the person expressing his/her right needs to take in effect the consequences of that free speech both on them and the accused. It is TOO EASY to accuse someone and destroy their life. If it is true then Discovery did the right thing but if it wasn’t……. Regarding the right to bear arms it is not the arms that are at fault but the person bearing the gun that is and it doesn’t matter whether that person is sane or criminal… Read more »
I’m glad to see this show go off the air. I thought Will was just an arrogant ass on his high horse.
I am glad to see the show cancelled due to the charges brought against him. But on the other hand when Paula Dean made a racist statement her freedom of speech was taken away from her. I am old enough to remember watching All in the Family and if you want to talk about a racist show that was the worse but then t was excepted by the public. The times have changed i will agree but we have to let everyone have an opinion or this government will cease to be a free one. We are all human and… Read more »
“when Paula Dean made a racist statement her freedom of speech was taken away from her” No. Just no. She can say whatever she wants, whenever she wants but nobody is obligated to give her a platform from which to speak. People that spout off about “freedom of speech” have little understanding of what that actually means. Freedom of Speech is granted by the Constitution to protect you from the government when speaking out against the government. It has nothing to do with a private entity firing you from your job for making the private entity look bad. She made… Read more »
I agree that Discovery did the right thing. TV is not a court of law, it’s a court of public opinion. Unfortunately it can destroy lives in a much bigger way than our legal system. Fortunately, it can call attention to things that would have otherwise been buried and never see the light of day. I only wish Discovery would go back to it’s roots and bring us entertaining, educational and enlightened TV!
We need to outlaw all guns NOW ! We can’t have these types of people who carry machine guns around hurting little children Is any one thinking of this child’s physical and physiological needs This sick excuse of a father should be castrated Discovery Channel never should have aired a gun violent show ! All of those dangerous guns should be confiscated by the government, Melted down and made into man hole covers and other useful non-violent metal products Every one on that show flaunts those dangerous weapons of war around They should all be taught a lesson, good normal… Read more »
Not going to happen. Why? Because of the Second Amendment.
Tammy; really outlaw all guns ? If he did indeed do this it wasn’t the guns that made him do it. Get off your liberal view and open your eyes to what great justices guns have done for this country and our way of life.
It is everyone’s right to bear arms. If you took them away from the honest people like me. The criminals would still find a way to get them and harm the honest people
The notion that you are innocent until proven guilty in this country is a joke.
Sorry to see it go. While everyone charged with a crime is innocent until/unless proven guilty, the fuzz don’t make arrests in crimes of that sort unless they have solid evidence, as a mistaken arrest can cost their govt. millions in civil damages, as such an arrest destroys the accused’s reputation, even if he/she is found innocent.
If Mr. Hayden is indeed guilty, then DSC made the right decision. The cancers of child molestation/rape should be removed from our society.
I wish what you said we’re true, I was arrested and made to post $10grand in bail. I had to hire a lawyer, go to court, take a drug test. The next week the grand jury no billed the charge.
oh but you are wrong about making arrests unless they have solid evidence—remember this–you are only one phone call away from jail
It was the right thing for Discovery to do. At the same time, I think we need to let the legal process run its course in re of this matter.