What’s in store for Criminal Minds? Recently, showrunner Erica Messer spoke with TVLine about the CBS TV show’s 15th and final season.
As reported earlier, the long-running crime drama will end after its upcoming 15th season. The cast includes Joe Mantegna, Paget Brewster, Matthew Gray Gubler, A.J. Cook, Kirsten Vangsness, Adam Rodriguez, Daniel Henney, and Aisha Tyler.
In the interview, Messer says the end of Criminal Minds is “bittersweet”:
It’s really bittersweet, but I’m so, so grateful to the cast and the crew and the fans enough to end this properly.”
And what about the season 14 finale, which airs on CBSCBS for giving us this heads-up. I think one of my biggest fears was always, ‘Oh man, what if we don’t know’ and then they just don’t bring back the show? But they respect this series and on February 6th? Messer revealed:
I don’t want to give much away, because I want this to be a ride for everybody. But it’s going to be a must-see episode, for sure. It airs February 6, and then people won’t see us for a while, so you will not want to miss Rossi’s wedding… and everything that leads up to it.”
What do you think? Are you a fan of Criminal Minds? How do you want the series to end?
I don’t want it to end! I’m praying someone will come to their senses!
me tooo
my favorite show!! So upset it is ending!!!!
I’m so upset to see one of my favorites shows come to an end. I look forward to watching every week. So disappointing!
I’m glad it is ending. A lot of the characters are robotic acting, the only one that I will miss is Reid. For instance Aisha Tyler’s character is exactly like the white professor lady before her, and before her it was Rachel Nichols whose character acted the same way. JJ is boring, and Paget, and Rossi. The latino guy has at least some personality, the Asian character is boring. Penelope has personality but she can be annoying after a while.
I watch the show but after Reid’s prison storyline it has been filler episodes.
I am so so disappointed. I’m losing all my shows, Code Black, Scorpi0n, Big Bang and now Criminal Minds. Soon there won’t be much left for me to watch. May have to think about cancelling Cable and just watch Netflix and Hulu. What the hey what is going on with the decision makers for these shows.
I agree 100%! They keep cancelling so many good shows and leaving these half hour comedies and dumb reality shows. I find way more interesting things to watch these days on Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime that if a couple more of my favorite channels join Sling TV or the newer, possibly better YouTube TV (which isn’t available in my area YET), why would I continue watching Cable TV, anyway? They are making amazingly stupid decisions lately! I’m on the edge of cancelling cable, myself!
Amen, that’s true! What’s wrong with these people?!
I would be interested in whose decision this was – in the case of Big Bank reports are that Sheldon wanted the series to end – in Criminal Minds was it the stars or the network – either way, it is a tremendous loss – the best show on TV
Again, CBS makes such a bad decision for one of our favorite shows. I am so disappointed in CBS, I would rather stop watching this network than see my shows go one by one, so soon right after each other. The deciding factors should be FIRED!! They just keep cutting our favorite shows, such as: Scorpion, , Code Black, Big Bang, to name such a few of the many. Remember, it is the fans that keep your station going. You are losing us by the barrel full. The sitcom’s and dramas you are replacing shows with are just hideous. I… Read more »
I’m sad to see this show end. All previous and current actors have been great to watch over the years. Best of luck to them all.
Hopefully there will be a reunion episode in future years. I think that would be awesome episode to watch.
It probably wouldn’t end at all if this Erica Messer would just bring Thomas Gibson back as “Hotch”!! That was really dumb on her part!!!! At least we have all the good reruns to watch. “No Hotch, No Watch”. See what happened now????
He was fired, rightfully so. He actually kicked a writer or producer (not sure).
With Hodge back for series finale
Please don’t end Criminal Minds. I love the new team as much as I loved the old team and I have no doubt that there is a long way to go with this team. This is the best show on TV and I have been watching it since the beginning.
Why not end that putrid Murphy Brown garbage instead?
I assume the hint above means another cliffhanger. When they threatened one last year, I stopped watching and reccorded. Just caught up to ep 12. Starting now, I will tape and binge watch when series 15 is over. I do this with several shows because of the “hanging Chad” game becoming more pronounced in recent years. I record then check spoilers at the end of the season to decide when it is safe to watch again. With some shows I have 5 or 6 seasons waiting and haven’t watched since the first few episodes. I will watch when they are… Read more »
Excellent idea, LindaB! I like it. They will eventually make their way to Netflix, Hulu, or Prime anyway! Then cancel cable which will kill the networks if we all do so. Win-win for the viewers!
I’ve watched the show from the beginning and enjoyed it. I’m sad to see it go because several of the characters are quite endearing, though I won’t miss the serial killers a bit. I guess if they want a realistic ending, they would have to have the agency cut because of government cut backs. A final scene with a tearful Garcia packing her nicknacks up from around her computer, would have a supportive member of the group standing by as Garcia sobs, “ But, what about all the people that need our help- – the people who will be killed… Read more »
The thing is, this is not real life, this is a great show that could go on for a long time from now. None of the shows we watch go by “realistic “ parameters. That’s why we love them so much.
Above all else I want to see Reid happy & ending on a high note. He has seen enough tragedy. And on a side note I want to say that I have had enough of Rossi’s “love life”. I really don’t care that he’s getting married AGAIN & I do not understand his popularity. He started out arrogant & self righteous & is too old to be running around taking down unsubs. Also I do not miss Morgan who was also arrogant & self righteous & often guilty of insubordination. I was not sad to see an end to the… Read more »