Happy Town revolves around a bunch of strange disappearances and murders in a small town. The large cast includes Sam Neill, M.C. Gainey, Geoff Stults, Lauren German, Amy Acker, Steven Weber, Ben Schnetzer, Sarah Gadon, Jay Paulson, and Robert Wisdom.
After a disappointing premiere in the ratings, Happy Town was pulled off the airwaves for most of May sweeps. Before the show returned on June 2nd, ABC officially cancelled the TV show. Only eight episodes were filmed but at least answers to some of the TV show’s mysteries will be revealed by the end.
Unfortunately, ABC pulled the show off the air once again and left fans hanging as to when the final two episodes would air. Well, the network has released both episodes and you can watch them below.
What do you think? Are you in any way satisfied by these final two episodes?
Image courtesy ABC.
I did not like the ending. I guess they had to hurry up and write an ending and this is all they could come up with?
ABCs handling of this series is one of the biggest travesties I have ever seen on t.v.
We should all boycott ABC.
The trouble is most people I talk to didn’t even know the show was on.
ABC never wanted it to succeed.
It is unfortunate that ABC is releasing the last two shows on-line for Americans only, considering the fact that the show was filmed in Ontario. Canada. I am disappointed that we Canadians are not able to view the last two episodes.
Ah. Am I the only one who did not see any end to the story. Very aggravating that they deliberately did not end the story line. I will seriously think about NOT watching any more ABC series. This was really just an over blown 90 minute slasher film. The writers were not realistic and the Director was obviously a David Lynch wannabe…but slowmotion and redneck bars do not a genre make. It’s an insult to leave us hanging like that. I could write pages about what a waste of some great actors this dismal excuse for entertainment is. Boooo ABC!!
Happy Town was a gem. It was a pure gem that was tossed to the side by the network. They’ll never know how many viewers really were watching since Nielsen is a broken system. I blame the network more than Nielsen though as they just don’t how to present a quality product and back it properly. I loved these last two episodes and they showcased how to entertain the viewers. Bravo to the series creators and to the cast and crew of this great series that’s already getting its cult status.
I was very disappointed that they cancelled it and if they call the above episodes an “ending” then they are very wrong. That is not an ending. So the magic man is a woman? Who is this mystery woman? What’s her connection to Haplin? Where are the missing people? The sheriff had been in on it the whole time?
I loved this show it never fails they bring out a show that isn’t a reality show and they cancel it!!! Very disappointed !!
This is NOT an ending. There were just too many new clues jammed into the last episode and not enough info.
Is Tommy really Simon?
Where are the missing people?
What is the secret behind the blue door?
So non-Americans are unable to watch the last 2 episodes. Now that’s BS!
YUCK this ending sucks… i am very disappointed
This was one of the best shows on tv. Its a shame ABC didn’t Advertise it like AMC,(Breaking Bad) or FX with( Justified). Maybe another network will pick it up.
I can’t view the episode – computer probs. Can someone please post who the magic man was with a spoiler alert for those who haven’t seen it? Thanks much.
Spoiler Alert: Alice Conroy is the Magic Man, running a bar called Cicero named after the falcon that flies around Haplin. The bird was in the bar. Griffin Conroy(Tommy’s dad) knew the whole time she faked her death, Peggy Haplin didn’t murder her. Henley, Merrett and Dan Farmer(Dan is from England and knows Merrett from there) were all after the Magic Man. Merrett helped Farmer escape in the ambulance to rendezvous with Henley(whose real name is Chloe, she tells her mom Susan on the cell phone she’s following Griffin who will lead her to the Magic Man) who followed Griffin… Read more »
Very nice summary of the final episode!….great job
Thank you, Anonymous (whoever you are!), for the episode summary. The show still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but at least now I have a little better understanding of what went on during the last episode (Episode 8, “Blame it on Rio Bravo”).
What kind of JUNK is this ending??!!!! Shame on ABC
How COULD they? This is one of the few intelligent shows on TV. It keeps me coming back and all my friends, too. Where do I go to sign a petition?
This is BS, great show…..