Happy Town revolves around a bunch of strange disappearances and murders in a small town. The large cast includes Sam Neill, M.C. Gainey, Geoff Stults, Lauren German, Amy Acker, Steven Weber, Ben Schnetzer, Sarah Gadon, Jay Paulson, and Robert Wisdom.
After a disappointing premiere in the ratings, Happy Town was pulled off the airwaves for most of May sweeps. Before the show returned on June 2nd, ABC officially cancelled the TV show. Only eight episodes were filmed but at least answers to some of the TV show’s mysteries will be revealed by the end.
Unfortunately, ABC pulled the show off the air once again and left fans hanging as to when the final two episodes would air. Well, the network has released both episodes and you can watch them below.
What do you think? Are you in any way satisfied by these final two episodes?
Image courtesy ABC.
It’s definitely not far that Happy Town didn’t get the same chance as other shows on ABC. Whether it’s summer or not shouldn’t make a diiference and they made too big a deal of the ratings issue. While I’m not happy with the way the series ended, and honestly only started watching the series online after it got cancelled (sp?) so I didn’t know that was the last episode, at least one of the biggest questions was answered. I’m glad that they at least told the audience who the Magic “Man” was. But it telling us this, we now have… Read more »
No not satisfied at all. Too many unanswered questions. Like what about that Blue Door film and why was Big Dave in it? How does Henley actually fit into it and what about her mother Susan. And why was Addy Haplin still alive and where was she being kept, because her mother obviously didn’t know about her. ABC you suck leaving us all hanging like this. There needs to be a few more episodes or at lease finish the season. Who wants to watch reruns of Castle anyway.
This was a good show! Bummer about the bad ratings…people watch crappy tv 🙁 The finale definately left me hanging…
I’m glad they showed the last two episodes but the viewing quality on my computer was not too great because it is a slow computer. The last episode seems to have been thrown together and it was hard to follow. Did they know they were filming the last episode, or was it edited from several episodes?
Anyone else not understand the last episode clearly?
I felt the exact same way! It seemed like they took snippets from several episodes and melded them together to try to make sense of a season’s worth of material in less than 60 minutes. It makes me wonder if ABC told them after the show started airing, “Okay, we don’t like the ratings, so we’re cutting you off at 8 episodes. Make sure you wrap it up in that last ep.” I’m very upset, because it seems like quite a few people really enjoyed it. But with today’s technological advances, networks cannot expect their target audience to watch it… Read more »
of course the last two episodes are not avaiable in canada
I was always a fan of ABC but since this latest stunt…. pulling a new mystery program before its’s completion? Really ABC??? I mean come on..really? I may consider in the future not getting involved in any new programs on ABC, sorry.
I was very confused as to where the show went…not in any guides. I hadn’t heard it wasn’t being at least completed. I don’t think it was fair to cancel the show without at least showing the final episodes. They were already filmed, so why not air them?? I was enjoying the show. Get rid of all the reality shows and put something on that makes us think.
No,I’am not satisfied. Still hanging. Finish the series. ABC is making a lot of people mad.
Please tell me there is more to this than the final two episodes. It leaves so many unanswered questions. If the show wasn’t returning for the second season, abc should at least have tied up all the loose ends. I just can’t believe that for the second time I would be left hanging. I began watching the show Reunion and the plug was pulled on it also. I did eventually learn the outcome of that series or who the killer was. I want to know the identity of the magic man and the connections of everyone in the show. I… Read more »
I agree. I don’t watch ABC at all because they are notorious for pulling shows before anyone even knows about them. Some shows don’t even pick up and audience till the second seasons. I’m not satisfied with the last two episodes, because it just hangs there. Not sure what else they could do for intrigue after all the reveal (which barely even scratched the surface in the final episode), but they could have given it a chance. I agree with the above post. I’ll stay on channels that actually provide good entertainment. TNT, USA, FOX, etc. I guess the reality… Read more »
ABC doesnt seem to have any idea what it is doing. Either they use the same old neison rating system for families in the mid west or they just don’t care what peopel want to watch. Happy Town is one of those unique shows that gets better with each episode. They cancel the show, and then bring it back without telling anyone, instead of trying to fine a more fine tuned schedule, they just cancel it and move on. They just started the new series the Gates, but i am not gonna watch, cause ABC will cancel it as soon… Read more »
Just another reason TNT, USA and other cable networks are getting the great shows. The networks like NBC, CBS and ABC are not giving these shows a chance. I have my DVR set up to tape this show. Maybe the networks should look more at who is taping shows then watching them first run. I hate it when they pull shows off there air with a cliff hanger. Bad on you ABC.
I am really upset that ABC would take this show off the air without answering some very important questions. This is the reason why I don’t like watching shows in the summer…especially new ones. It’s like the network can’t comprehend that in the summer a lot of people are outside or on vacations….but there are still people who would like to watch quality TV shows. Instead of canceling, maybe they should have made it into a mini-series or something. I need to know what The Blue Door has to do with anything, why and how is Alice still alive, and… Read more »
Are these episodes also going to air on ABC (on a Saturday night, maybe)? I’m in Canada so I can’t watch them and I don’t like the show nearly enough to pay for the DVD.
There are mirror sites here, I live in Canada too, some of these are international
abc pulls to plug way to soon. The show was really getting good. I feel like many of the others who have written in. I am going to have to stay away from that fracking abc and stick to the good ole shows on FOX.