Happy Town revolves around a bunch of strange disappearances and murders in a small town. The large cast includes Sam Neill, M.C. Gainey, Geoff Stults, Lauren German, Amy Acker, Steven Weber, Ben Schnetzer, Sarah Gadon, Jay Paulson, and Robert Wisdom.
After a disappointing premiere in the ratings, Happy Town was pulled off the airwaves for most of May sweeps. Before the show returned on June 2nd, ABC officially cancelled the TV show. Only eight episodes were filmed but at least answers to some of the TV show’s mysteries will be revealed by the end.
Unfortunately, ABC pulled the show off the air once again and left fans hanging as to when the final two episodes would air. Well, the network has released both episodes and you can watch them below.
What do you think? Are you in any way satisfied by these final two episodes?
Image courtesy ABC.
Alot of negative comments but I have to disagree. Started watching the show and it kept me hooked until the following week. When it didn’t show again I could’t figure it out. I was a little upset that I had started to watch this and then it was cancelled. A friend told me that you could see the final two episodes on line and that it was not going to come back. Just watched both and I loved it–it was not the expected at all. I thought it was a great ending for a show that was not coming back.… Read more »
i think that they should give the show more than a premiere night to determine whether or not they are going to keep the show. and when they decide these things do they factor in the people who record it and watch it later on their dvrs? i think they should finish the damn show and not leave us hanging if they dont plan to re-introduce the series. if you are going to keep it canceled blow up the whole town and make everyone die. and at least give it another chance. bring it back on a different night or… Read more »
I want to see more. It can’t end like this without more episodes.
I am so tired of ABC and other networks starting shows and never giving them a chance to draw in a audience. I thought happy town was a great show, I have seen every episode. The show needs to be completed……
Please contact ABC.com directly to ***** about this this. Let them know you won’t be tuning in anymore for anything. Perhaps if enough people do they will change the way they do things.
Loved the show, they canceled it, brought it back and canceled it again…………..MORONS. Guess its time to pick up a book and stop watching television.
I can’t find episode 1 anywhere, everywhere I look starts with the second. Could someone post a link please?
Thank you!
Does anyone know if ABC is actually seeing all of these comments up here, almost a month after the show was pulled? Although, I understand that the cast has pretty much disbanded and moved on, perhaps a reasonable solution (as opposed to a whole season) would be a 2-4 hour mini-series. At the very least, how about a novella or just releasing any other parts of the script that have/had been written? They could even substitute a couple of cast members, if necessary. Anyone know if there are any chances of any of this happening? Any distant cousins working at… Read more »
Why do the idiots is NY do this to us? Do they only keep stuff on that the masses that cant think want?
Alice was the sherriff’s Mom. I still am confused though.
Was the magic Man someone way back in the Haplin family, and the evil they saw in that film makes them keep the secret? That’s my take, that now each generation of Haplin’s has to watch it, so it keeps the evil going. thats why the gap in years of someone being taken. Alice found out cause she worked for them, and saw the film, but had to keep quiet?
What do you think?? Awesome series though, loved it.
Looks like we need a second season!
I am totally disgusted with this ending. In fact I have been very unhappy with how many shows that have a continuing story line start & then stop with no results. This last is also the last such storyline I will bother to watch. Over the past several years I have starting watching so many shows that just went off the air with no apparent ending. It is sickening to me how you can continue to do this & still expect people to watch your shows. As of today I am removing ABC from by channels list. I hope others… Read more »
So this is what it comes down to get us all hype up and stay home to watch what happens next Tell us that we will have all the answers this summer and pull the rug out from under us. So in other words we wasted our time thank you so very much.what do you have planed for us next summer ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh can t wait
I’m tired of all these tv shows that start and just as quickly finish with no ending. I live in the country and only have broadband…so watching tv on the web is not a option!!!!!
Is that his wife. I think it is and she is the Magic woman. But I’m not Happy. Need to know more to many unanswered question.