(Photo by: CBC)
Season 16 of Heartland, the long-running Canadian drama series, is coming to the United States. UP Faith and Family has announced that season 16 will debut on the streaming service next month, on Thursday, June 1st. The rest of the 15-episode season will be released each Thursday after that. The Bartlett-Fleming family will come together more than ever to face their fears and start the next chapter in their lives.
A family drama series, the Heartland TV show is based on the bestselling series of books by Lauren Brooke. The cast includes Amber Marshall, Michelle Morgan, Shaun Johnston, Alisha Newton, Chris Potter, Kerry James, Gabriel Hogan, Aidan Moreno, Jessica Steen, Baye McPherson, Lucian-River Chauhan, Ava Ran, and Ruby & Emmanuella Spencer. It’s a multi-generational saga that’s set on the Heartland ranch in the rolling foothills of Alberta, Canada. It follows Amy Fleming (Marshall), her older sister Lou (Morgan), and their Grandfather Jack (Johnston). Together, they confront the challenges of running the ranch that has been in their family for generations.
In season 16, Amy and the rest of the family are making bold strides toward their futures. For Amy, that means taking the blinders off and looking at her life with renewed hope and focus. She’ll be challenged by the horses that need her help, but she’ll also open herself up to the possibility of new friendships and maybe even romance. Amy’s daughter, Lyndy (Spencer) will follow in her mom’s footsteps as her talents with horses start to develop over the course of the season. Jack and Lisa (Steen) will find themselves living out the dreams they’ve both worked so hard to achieve, but they’ll also realize that there are unforeseen consequences to dreams coming true. Just as Lou and Peter (Hogan) have recommitted as a couple, Katie (McPherson) will struggle to find her place in the world and in her family. Tim (Potter) has never been happier in his marriage to Jessica (Nolden), but a ghost from his past will force him to reconsider mistakes he made years ago and seek ways to atone for them.
The Heartland series originates on CBC in Canada and the 16th season of 15 episodes aired from October until February on the channel. UP Faith and Family is the first outlet to air season 16 in the United States and also offers the preceding 15 seasons (affiliate link).
At some point, it’s expected that the UPtv cable channel will also air the 16th season as well. Last year, season 15 began streaming on UP Faith and Family in March 2022 and it premiered on UPtv in May 2022. In the States, Netflix also streams the Heartland series but typically releases the newest season much later than other outlets. Season 15 is expected to come to Netflix on May 31st.
Here’s the 16th season teaser from the show’s Canada airing, as well as a “family dinner” special featuring the cast.
What do you think? Do you enjoy the Heartland TV series? Will you be watching season 16 on the UP Faith and Family service or will you wait for it to be released elsewhere?
I would like to know when season 16 of heartland going to be shown in the USA & what Network will it be on
I never will forget the first time I watched Heartland a few years ago. I was staying with my daughter and son-in-law I can’t remember what the episode was about but it was sad. My daughter asked me “Mom are you crying?” LOL yes I was sitting there watching Heartland with tears running down my cheeks.
I really enjoy Heartland, I was so bummed when I could no longer watch it.
I’m so excited it’s finally coming back !!!
I’m so excited I miss this show so much it was a date night with my hubby to watch this together
This is one of best shows I ever watched… please don’t cancel the series… I watch when I’m on break… it helps me keep my mind of things… and that is a life saver for me… thank you for your work… I enjoy this series!!!!
Thanks for coming back. I love this show. This has been the best show I have ever could not come back fast enough week to week. Thank you all for your hard work.
My wife and I love the show. We have seen all of the shows so far. Cannot wait to see the new season.
I love this series. I’m currently watching season 14 on Netflix in the US. I have come to know this family like my own.
I know this is fiction, but the writing and characters are so wonderful. As a woman of faith, I appreciate the message of hope in each story line. And , of course, the horses, scenery really are amazing. Keep it coming.
I wish you hadn’t let Ty die. I enjoy the show.
Love the series but wish Ty was still on! Amy and Ty just need to be together!!!