Holy rabies! Sony Pictures Animation has announced its new, animated Hotel Transylvania: The Television Series is underway, with an eye toward a 2017 premiere date on Disney Channel, worldwide. The animated Hotel Transylvania TV show, produced in partnership with Corus Entertainment’s Nelvana, will focus on the teenage years of Mavis, Dracula’s daughter, and her friends.
Sony Pictures Animation says:
Corus Entertainment’s Nelvana, one of the world’s leading international producers and distributors of children’s animated content, is partnering with Sony Pictures Animation to bring the hit feature franchise to the small screen. Hotel Transylvania: The Television Series will focus on the teenage years of Dracula’s daughter Mavis and her friends in brand new adventures. The 2D animated small-screen series will air in 2017 on Disney Channels worldwide.
What do you think? Have you watched the Hotel Transylvania feature films? Do you plan to check out the Hotel Transylvania TV series when it premieres on Disney Channel?