They’ve really pulled out all the stops for the season finale of FOX’s Human Target. Of course, they have to since there’s no guarantee that the series will be back next season. But, even if you haven’t watched the series before, hearing that the Six Million Dollar Man himself, Lee Majors, will be a guest star, should have action fans tuning in to take a look.
Human Target premiered in January and stars Mark Valley as Christopher Chance. He’s a bodyguard of sorts, but instead of just throwing his body in front of his clients, he completely integrates himself into their lives, to become the target of whoever wants his clients dead. Winston and Guerrero (Chi McBride and Jackie Earle Haley) are his business associate and hired gun.
A few weeks ago on Human Target we were given a glimpse into Chance’s mysterious past and we discovered how he started working with Winston and Guerrero. Lennie James played his former partner, Baptiste, who is considered “the best assassin out there.” Valley admits, “I think he kicked my ass to be honest with you… I feel like the audience is rooting for Chance to kick his ass next time.”
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Next time? Yep, Baptiste is back, and Chance is going to get some help from Lee Majors, who plays his former mentor. The casting turned out to be a dream come true for Valley. He’s a big fan of Majors and said of working with the former star of The Six Million Dollar Man, “The little boy in me was tearing around the house, screaming at the top of his lungs… Inside I was like [mouth opened wide], Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!” Majors could see that Valley was moved and got a chuckle out of it.
Valley wasn’t the only one with admiration for Majors. The more eloquent McBride, who worked with him previously on The Brothers Solomon, admires the veteran actor for his long history in the business, and said, “You get to hear him talk about television, and he’s been around for a long time, you know, from Big Valley to Six Million Dollar Man, and you’ve got so much stuff in between.”
McBride also admires Majors for having been married to Farrah Fawcett, along with his work acumen. “The guy was actually standing in for himself between setups and stuff like that… I wish more younger people especially would get an opportunity to work with people like that.”
As devoted fans know, Human Target has not been renewed for next season and it appears the network is still on the fence. The ratings have been okay for this season; not bad and not great. Considering the fact that FOX has cancelled 24, it seems likely that the network will take a chance (no pun intended) and bring it back next season. We’ll know for sure by mid-May.
What do you think? Should Human Target come back for a second season? If so, would you like to see Majors again?
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Image courtesy FOX.
This is a well written and acted series. Don’t be like the three ugly sisters..Bring Human Target BACK!
Great series… would hope it will be renewed.
Absolutely!!! Human Target is one of the best new shows of the season. I record it religiously in case I can’t get to the TV when it is originally shown. Please keep the episodes coming.
love human target! like valley on boston legal. it’s really cool that he can handle the lead and do it well. good to see chi too – it’s a good triumvirate with jackie. good show. keep it.
I think that “Human Target” is the best new series this year. Mark Valley is not only talented but SO GOOD LOOKING. Alot of my friends and I watch it just for HIM. Lee Majors is still so good looking too, YES we would LOVE to see more of him as well.
Amy Minor
Hell yes… of the best new shows!
We love Human Target – having Lee Majors on would be good too, but mainly just want the show back
I want Human Target to come back next season
Bring it back, great show.
its a good show, i just started watching it and i luv it!
Yes, I hope Human Target is picked up for 10 seasons! I do hope Lee Majors returns in a starring role. He rocks! Most of all, I like Mark Valley!!!
Here’s the problem, your show is competing with America Idol, 24 and a few other good sci- fi shows during the week. Move the show into a summer slot and I’m sure the ratings will go up.
Love the show, renew renew renew
I LOVE this show!! I really hope it’s going to come back for a 2nd season! I haven’t missed an episode all season!!
As a person who watches VERY little network TV, Human Target is my favorite program presently on air. The characters are the strongest element to this program.
It is premature to cancel this great program…..these same characters need time to develop…..the show WILL catch on.