Though things were looking good for a second season of CBS’ vampire show, Moonlight has been cancelled. The show has loyal followers, the ratings were decent, and the series often won its timeslot. What happened?
Essentially Moonlight has been cut for a number of reasons. The rest of the network’s schedule is quite strong in the ratings and it certainly makes no sense to cancel one of the stronger series. If Moonlight were on the ratings-challenged CW, it certainly would have been renewed.
Like Jericho last season, Moonlight has a devout but small audience. Unfortunately, CBS’ decision to resurrect Jericho didn’t work out so well for them. Though many campaigned to get Jericho renewed, fewer people tuned in. CBS likely feels a bit burned by that experience and is reluctant to go down that road again.
The cancellation also stems from the fact that CBS is feeling very confident about their new batch of drama pilots. They’ve given a greenlight for four new dramas this fall and there just wasn’t any room left on the schedule for Moonlight. They know that Moonlight’s audience is unlikely to grow very much and would rather take a chance on a new show.
There’s been much upheaval behind-the-scenes and it’s been reported that the network hasn’t been impressed with the show’s creative development. The ratings were also usually lower than both its lead-in (Ghost Whisperer) and lead-out (Numb3rs).
CBS has given the okay for another season of The Unit. With the network’s full schedule, the drama will likely end up being bumped from Tuesdays and end up on Fridays in Moonlight’s old slot.
Moonlight’s series finale is set to air this Friday, May 16th. Stay tuned!
No more “Moonlight”, no more decent T.V. to watch! . “Moonlight” just oozes quality. It’s intelligently crafted, has end of your seat excitement, great plot lines, sublime acting from it’s three leads, and searing romantic tension in every episode – TV for grown ups. This show got me straight onto the net to buy the DVD as I couldn’t wait ’til the end of the series to find out what was going to happen next – and I still watch the episodes as they come on t.v! Glanced at the vastly inferior “TrueBlood” and just can’t see what the big… Read more »
please CBS, Please bring back Moonlight. I am from Nigeria and I love the series so much. Please DO SOMETHING AND BRING IT BACK
After catching it for the first time on a re-run I’m now totally addicted and it’s over, just like that. This can’t be happening!!! The developing saga and vampire love story running through it has so much milage and Mick and Beth’s on screen chemistry is totally addictive. It’s one of those shows that needs to be watched from the start, but with all the reruns since 2007 the audience will be even bigger than it was originally. This show is now back on Sky in the UK so thousands more addicts are being born. Once you’re hooked then it’s… Read more »
Look, how about all of us tell our friends, who will then get addicted and tell all their friends then in no time at all there will be millions of people begging for moonlight to come back.
Moonlight is amazing. I really cant believe that CBS don’t realize just how many people are completely addicted to the show and i personally think that they’re making a mistake by not making a second series… Please, please think about this and bring moonlight back, for all the fans and everyone else who hasn’t yet discovered moonlight.
This was a really good show, a detective vampire was genius! CBS please rethink your decision to cancel this show and bring Moonlight back. This is a really good show that you didn’t give a chance. The show’s audience would have grown there’s no doubt about it because the storylines were awesome. You didn’t give it a chance…please bring Moonlight back!!!!!!!!!!
I think this is a great show I really hope and wish for more seasons
Moonight is quite cool. It is a shame that it has cancelled. CBS…..never mind, more shows are on the road
If Moonlight is cancels for Ghost Whisperer i want just CBS to make a last ep.
I want to know if Mick st. John will becom human befor that Talbot find that him is a Vampire and what Lance did to Coraline.
Just started showing Moonlight in UK and we find out it’s cancelled – just like the Unit! Come on guys, I really cannot spend my life trawling through any more chat shows or so called reality tv! Moonlight was excellent, bring it back, please
I find it rather disappointing that networks like CBS would rather cut good dramas like Moonlight, the Unit, et all and instead continue to show sorry, lame and FAKE reality shows.
I looked forward to both shows mentioned above, only now to find out they will not be back, yet they show the Medium…
It is a sad sad state in society when people would rather WATCH fake reality rather than LIVE it.
Come on networks, wake up and smell the coffee, get rid of all the fake crap and put some good shows back on!
Moonlight season 1 is showin now in the uk for the 2nd time on virgin1 so why show the 1st season again if they are not following it with season 2 thats stupid !!!!!! i have been waiting for what seems like forever for season 2 and am absolutely gutted its been cancelled!!!!!!! What are they playing at?? with Twilight being so big at the moment Moonlight will take off bigtime theres never been a better time to have season 2 start get a grip people and make the 2nd season for all the old fans and the new ones… Read more »
Moonlight is the best show I’ve seen for a long time. Its just started screening in Australia and its great to have some thing to look forward to watch each week. It definitely deserves a second season. Please bring it back……….
please bring it back… because moonlight is a GREATshow everything is well done …the actors -the stories- the plot -the setting every thinq m
Moonlight should be resurrected with origninal cast.
please bring back the moonlight i really love it