Though things were looking good for a second season of CBS’ vampire show, Moonlight has been cancelled. The show has loyal followers, the ratings were decent, and the series often won its timeslot. What happened?
Essentially Moonlight has been cut for a number of reasons. The rest of the network’s schedule is quite strong in the ratings and it certainly makes no sense to cancel one of the stronger series. If Moonlight were on the ratings-challenged CW, it certainly would have been renewed.
Like Jericho last season, Moonlight has a devout but small audience. Unfortunately, CBS’ decision to resurrect Jericho didn’t work out so well for them. Though many campaigned to get Jericho renewed, fewer people tuned in. CBS likely feels a bit burned by that experience and is reluctant to go down that road again.
The cancellation also stems from the fact that CBS is feeling very confident about their new batch of drama pilots. They’ve given a greenlight for four new dramas this fall and there just wasn’t any room left on the schedule for Moonlight. They know that Moonlight’s audience is unlikely to grow very much and would rather take a chance on a new show.
There’s been much upheaval behind-the-scenes and it’s been reported that the network hasn’t been impressed with the show’s creative development. The ratings were also usually lower than both its lead-in (Ghost Whisperer) and lead-out (Numb3rs).
CBS has given the okay for another season of The Unit. With the network’s full schedule, the drama will likely end up being bumped from Tuesdays and end up on Fridays in Moonlight’s old slot.
Moonlight’s series finale is set to air this Friday, May 16th. Stay tuned!
WHAT!?!?!?!?!?! CANCELLED!?!?!
i really looked forward to watcghing moonlight ,please bring it back . all i looked forward to in the evenings on t.v. was moonlight ,ghost whispereer and biggest loser. i never missed an episode of either shows i too dvr`d them. after a day of stress itas good to get lost in your favorite show.
CBS sucks! me and my brother would always go to my grandparents house just to watch this show (and ghost whisperer) and when we found out that it wasn’t coming on this season I was pissed off! no joke, thats straight forward. I was even starting to like this show more that ghost whisperer. CBS is f****** crap!
please bring moonlight back………it is a great show……………..i miss it so please write
come back with it ……………………thank you
love mari
please i love this series pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I DVR my favorite shows and moonlight was one of them… no i didn’t stay home on friday night but i DVR’d the show so i COULD watch it doesn’t that count for anything? you still get your stupid ratings! I am also getting tired of the shows my friends and family and myself enjoy…it’s getting old… how about everyone boycott CBS? then what will they do? Yes i know i’m late on making a complaint but I would love to beable to watch the show.. i was hoping CBS would reconsider cancelling the show and try it out again?… Read more »
Why didn’t CW pick up moonlight, it was a great show and I’m pesonally getting tire of all of the good show being taken off and all fo the crappy shows stay on..You people need to get real. Bring BACK MOONLIGHT NOW
I think CBS is ******* stupid. They did not give the show a chance. Look at True Blood look how good it is doing. All I have to say is that the people working at CBS are ******* stupid. The show The Unit is played out.
I bought the series after watching only one show on scifi and have watched it 3 times so far in less than a week. i have been sharing with friends and family they all say that it is a great show and we want more!!!! please bring it back. i know some of the critics didn’t like it but sense when do they know anything?
i want moonlight……….i am addicted to it……………………….please do’nt stop the show………..
I think CBS is ******* stupid. They did not give the show a chance. Look at True Blood look how good it is doing. All I have to say is that the people working at CBS are ******* stupid. The show The Unit is played out.
Here in the Netherlands last week the last episode aired.. I didnt knew that untill this week there wasnt a new episode. I was so dissapointed. I finally found a show i loved from the first second i watched. Everybody always watches Lost and all those other shows i dont care about. I finally found my show and there is just one season of it… Please please, do make more seasons! I bet my life over it that lots of viewers will be so happy and there will be lots of more viewers!!!!!!! hope that my praiers will be heared… Read more »
i’m from the netherlands to… why does moonlight has to stop, it’s such an awsome tv serie… :(:(
Bet they’re really regretting this now. Vampire themed movies/books/TVshows are really all the craze right now. Though there already is True Blood, not everyone has HBO…so moonlight would be a good replacement.
They really should of tried the second season out before quitting.
I’m from the Netherlands and i can’t live without Moonlight !!!!!!! I just need to see it !!!!
Why don’t they want to make a second season here in the Netherlands everybody watches it !!!!!!
love lisa