Some of NBC‘s shows have done well while others have really struggled. Which will be cancelled and which will be renewed? Stay tuned!
NBC shows this season (so far): About a Boy, America’s Got Talent, American Dream Builders, American Ninja Warrior, Believe, The Biggest Loser, The Blacklist, Chicago PD, Chicago Fire, Community, Crisis, Crossbones, Dateline, Dateline Saturday Night Mystery, Food Fighters, Grimm, Growing Up Fisher, Hannibal, Hollywood Game Night, Ironside, Last Comic Standing, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, The Michael J. Fox Show, The Night Shift, Parenthood, Parks and Recreation, Revolution, Running Wild with Bear Grylls, Sean Saves the World, The Sing-Off, Taxi Brooklyn, Undateable, The Voice, Welcome to the Family, Welcome to Sweden, and Working the Engels.
NOTE: You can see the ratings for NBC’s 2014-15 season here.
There’s lots of data that NBC looks at when deciding whether to renew or cancel a TV series but the ratings are typically the biggest piece.
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Note: If you’re not seeing the updated charts, please try reloading the page. You can also see them here and here.
A couple of notes about these charts:
These figures are updated automatically as new ratings are released. The averages are based on the final national numbers (live plus same day viewing), unless marked with an asterisk (*). For technical reasons, I have to resort them manually so feel free to let me know if I missed something.
Keep in mind that the demo numbers are typically what’s most important to advertisers. Therefore, that’s how the networks measure success. Advertisers pay more for ad time on a show that has a higher demo rating. Because older viewers don’t count? No, it’s because younger viewers watch less traditional TV and are harder to reach.
Demo numbers are typically reported using the 10ths decimal place (2.4, for example). In the averages, I’m using an extra decimal for easier ranking.
The networks take into account when shows air on Fridays and Saturdays, nights when TV viewership is lower.
What do you think? Which shows are you rooting for? Which one isn’t as big a hit as you thought? Are you hoping any series will get cancelled to make way for something else?
Community saved yes tanks yahoo. Can yahoo save once apond a time in Wonder Land and reveloution. These are all future actors trying these shows have purpose have meaning these 3 shows blows our imagination make like that keep it like that forever in love forever trying to win the war and always cracking wise fans want more back to back episodes unlimited seasons years round FFS get back to work so the people can appreciate these shows we love em all we want it back
Can anyone explain how a show like Hannibal with only a viewership of 2.54 million is kept yet a show like Revolution that has almost double the viewership at 4.94 is canned? I know that the viewership might have dropped but damn that is still almost double after considering the drop.
NBC Take Heed:::: Who do you have making the determinations of what people will watch? I guess its about the almighty dollar VS the satisfaction of viewers. Hey Stupid when you have a gem like “Believe” you should nurture it rather than trowing it away. SEEING TONS OF CRIME DRAMMAS AND SLAP STICK COMIDIES RENEWED YEAR AFTER YEAR AND A GREAT SHOW LIKE “BELIEVE” CANCELLED, MAKES ME IF YOU HAVE HIRED AN AFRICAN BABOON. Sorry ment no insult to the baboon, they have a dgree of sense.
Please be advised that the networks don’t give a damn what viewers say on these sites….it’s a complete waste of your time……there seems to be an endless senseless parade of great shows being cancelled…don’t try to figure it out because you will only want to bash your head into a wall. You cannot trust that a program you like and invest your time in will continue! Your best bet is a service like NETFLIX when it comes to series…they won’t pull the rug from under you midway and carelessly leave you hanging!!!! They won’t make a fool out of you… Read more »
what…… you cant cancelled believe is a great tv show whats wrong with you people
Please. Leave Night Shift alone. This is a great show and needs to be picked up for season two.
It’s not just NBC shows. The most cancelled shows are on CW. Cuz most of their shows are crap. The only NBC shows I actually watch are The Blacklist, AGT and The Night Shift. Idk why CrossBones is still on. Those are horrible ratings
Leave Believe and Crisis on. Please. Believe is a good thing. You r wrong.
How do they renew Hannibal at 2 million viewers and cancel believe at over 5 million viewers ?.
Because they merely license Hannibal so it costs them very little. Meanwhile, Believe continues to fall and is now drawing three million.
Well u didn’t even promote it ..!! Blacklist gets more ads believe got none
Seems to me that their are a lot of people that do like believe …I will stop watching nbc….I hope someone picks it up … and they do well …
Of course the audience for Believe was falling. They didn’t have it on consistently, and I know a lot of people stopped watching as soon as they heard it was cancelled, especially because it wasn’t clear that they were going to finish the end of the season. They should have waited to announce the season was cancelled until the end of the season, that would have increased their viewership at least through the end of the season. Stupid marketing decision. Really.
How true … they really messed up ..I hope a b c picks it up and it blows n b c out the window ..Hannibal has how many viewers ? .. believe is 3 times more viewers …so disappointed .. do you see how many people care ….
To whom it may concern, My family and I are very upset you are taking “Believe” off the air.e have been watching it from the beginning until tonight and I have to say, you are making a HUGE mistake. We sit at the edge of our seats watching this show. My husband and I are in our 60s and my kids that watch it are in their 30s and 20s. I read a lot of people’s comments as well and they are upset as much as we are. We are begging you to please keep “Believe” on the air. Give… Read more »
Because most of the shows they pick are crap from the start.
Yess!! Thank you! I’ve been looking for weather the sing off was cancelled for this year or not, and I guess it’s still going!!
I absolutly love that show. Anyone who likes the voice or America’s got talent should watch the sing off. It’s all a capella music and it’s so cool to see how they use only their voices to sing songs. It gives it a really cool sound. Anyway… thank you!!! 
I’m with everyone else…WTH are they thinking BELIEVE is a great show and shouldnt be canceled. I love CRISIS too but I get canceling that because how far can it go? Once its over its over…not much you can do with that but BELIEVE has potential and the characters/ Actors are a great bunch! Please don’t cancel BELIEVE …Give it at least one more season to get more viewers…IT DESERVES THAT MUCH!!!!
I agree – NBC created a lot of ill will and bad blood by cancelling Believe. And the way that they did it, too – Rosemary’s Baby miniseries aired during that timeslot – which is about as FAR away from the feel good uplifting Believe. I mean, really. I really hope that they reconsider, given that I know that I am not alone in my desire to boycott all NBC shows going forward.
Nbc is a joke .. They promote blacklist .. Which is now number 1 and never once promoted believe .. It was just a fill in show .. Well guess what we are your audience .. We don’t have to watch your channel if we choose not to .. And we want believe back !!
My husband I love the show Believe it is a nice change from what has been the norm on TV
This and Dateline ,Meet the press are about all we watch on NBC . We cancelled Direct TV
And have an antenna and Apple TV , because of same old stuff and reruns.
I worked for a Fortune 500 company until I retired after 23 yrs two things I learned 1. Customers are always right. And 2. Figures don’t lie. If you know how to do Math.
Keep Believe on. Thank you, Vicki King
figures don’t lie and believe’s figures show it is not cutting it.
Nemo says that figures don’t lie, but that is not true at all. Wikipedia states, “because ratings are based on samples, it is possible for shows to get 0.0 rating, despite having an audience” so numbers can be inaccurate. But Believe had a viewership, the problem is that the Neilsen ratings are biased toward younger viewers. If you are an older viewer, you count less. So the fact is that Believe had a solid viewership, but because the 18 to 24 demographic was slipping they cancelled it. Also, your comments don’t consider the fact that many shows take a season… Read more »
All you Believe fans need to realize it is pointless to write these comments – NBC doesn’t care and I doubt they even read them. They chase the almighty advertising dollar and that is all they care about – they treated Dracula fans like dirt. Petitions were signed en masses and emails and letters were written – we were strung along for nearly 4 months and then bam – canceled. The original networks wonder why people watch shows on premium cable channels? Because they don’t have to endure 1/3 of the show being filled with commercials and they actually give… Read more »