Last season, NCIS was the most-watched show on television with an audience of 19.3 million viewers. Will the ratings drop this season? Will the CBS show ever end? Is it already a lock for season 12? Time will tell.
On NCIS, Jethro Gibbs (Mark Harmon) and his team of special agents continue to investigate crimes that involve the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. Cote de Pablo is leaving the show but the rest of the cast — Michael Weatherly, Pauley Perrette, David McCallum, Sean Murray, Rocky Carroll, and Brian Dietzen — is sticking around.
The ratings are typically the best indication of a show’s likelihood of staying on the air. The higher the ratings (particularly the 18-49 demo), the better the chances for survival. This chart will be updated as new ratings data becomes available — usually the next day, around 11:30am EST/8:30am PST. Refresh to see the latest.
3/13 update: This show has been renewed for the 2014-15 season by CBS.
Final season averages: 2.8 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 18.5 million total viewers.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated chart, please try reloading the page or view it here.
For comparisons: The 10th season of NCIS averaged a 3.3 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 19.29 million total viewers.
Note: Note: These are the Live + Same Day Ratings which include “live” viewing plus delayed DVR viewing, up until 3am local time that same night. Ratings marked with an “*” are the fast affiliate ratings and will be updated with the Live+SD numbers when they are made available. Typically, networks get paid for C+3 ratings which includes DVR viewing within three days of the original airing when commercials are watched. Those numbers are rarely released to the press.
What do you think? Do you still like the NCIS TV series? Do you think it should be cancelled or be renewed for a 12th season?
Did you change writers ? What is going on ?? The show is not even interesting anymore ! When the written dialog gets really BAD you OVERRIDE it with that terrible music.??? We are SO disappointed !! Are you finished with NCIS ?? And why ??? It has been a great show – but now ??? Well, all the other comments seem to agree – HOPE YOU’R READING THEM !! Step it up ! You can do it ! That’s why we are all fans – and that’s why we are complaining now ! We LOVED the show – can’t… Read more »
What happened to the head slaps? Gibbs treat Bishop tooooo nice. I liked when someone said something wrong … here comes Gibbs right behind with the head slap. Love Tony, McGee, Abby, Jimmy, of course Ducky and Gibbs and Vance. I guess Bishop is okay, but she’s treated like a little sister instead of part of a team.
NCIS used to be my favorite show, but now I find it boring and dull. Bishop’s character is all wrong and frankly, annoying. I understand that no one could replace Ziva, as she was the best ever, but the producers could try to find someone at least, a little similar or interesting to put on the show, not a little girl, but a woman.
Really enjoy the actors but miss the Ziva girl. Gibbs is great as always and can’t wait to see how Tony and Tim gets it done…hahaha! Give’em guys! Lov Abby
They changed everyone’s personality, they turn Gibbs into a whimp. I think it is time to cancel the show, I don’t like to watch it anymore
Wind it up. Give everyone a happy ever after with option for specials. Bishop does not work.
Ms. Bishop is awful. Lifeless. They must replace here. Have stopped watching show since she appeared. I am surprised that they keep her. So many good actresses around.
Bishop is terrible and I hope Mark Harmon uses his uncanny intelligence to admit she is not working out. I cannot watch the show any longer. Bishop is bad for the show. Please read viewer’s comments and find a better fit fir the NCIS team! I would really like to start watching the show again.
I agree with Judy.
Ziva is not coming back to NCIS. MY THEORY: Cote de Pablo did not leave for money reasons. She acted the part of a fictional Israeli woman connected to a very real country embroiled in all the danger and severe risk now seen in the middle east. IN MY ESTIMATION, the producers of the show were thinking of the security of the actors and staff and CBS personnel in general. I think NCIS will not continue for long. The producers can not reproduce the genius that was NCIS. They pulled out the plug from the sea wall when they sent… Read more »
Looks like Biship is being given less air time so maybe the oroducers are getting the message.
Get Bishop out of there. I predict this is the last year for NCIS top ratings. I have been just plain bored with this season so far.
I agree. NCIS used to be the best show on television, but now it’s just boring and dull. The dynamic is gone, Bishop should be replaced.
Bishop is the end of this show.She is about as exciting as watching grass grow and not onebit of chemistry with anyone DULLLLLLLLLLLLL
I agree with Terry, Bishop is not right for the show, she just doesn’t fit in.
ncis is my favorite all time show. I have never missed one. the writing is great and the interaction between the characters is the best of any show
I need ziva to come back I love her character
And her looks…
I totally adore NCIS and NCIS Los Angeles.
I am not totally sure about Bishop yet, she has done an okay job so far what we have seen here in Australia as we are behind in seasons.
Although, I think a brunette should be in that role of Kate and Ziva.
I love NCIS and will continue to watch regardless of whether Ziva is on or not; however, I miss her terribly and really wish she would return. I don’t care for the Bishop character but she is only a small part of the series. I’m tired of the remarks that everyone should get on board with this character. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and I don’t like her and I know it would be a huge plus if Ziva came back….what a show that would be!
All of this Bishop hate is just sad. I think she’s a great character and addition to the show. Yes, the characters act different towards her, but every person is different and you have to adapt to that person and their personality. I really like Bishop and I hope she sticks around and the rest of you get your act together and start liking her.
I do believe that Bishop will be the end of NCIS. She does not fit with the rest of the cast. Her character is weak, and the frown is just annoying. What was CBS thinking?
I disagree, but hypothetically speaking, if it did get to that point, well, CBS wouldn’t let it, so I’m not worried about it.
Bishop is definatly going to be the end of this show. Just look at all the feedback on every possible webite available. The fans are not happy. Sure there are people who like her, but the vast majoriy of fans are asking for her to go, and seriously, if anyone heading this show even cared about their fans, theyd listen.
I’d hardly say you’re the “vast majority” of the fans. In fact, I’d say the vast majority don’t actually get on the internet to voice their opinion. Yes, there are a good number of you out there that don’t like Bishop, but there are a good number that do, and there are even more that just don’t say anything. And I’ve noticed that a lot of the people that don’t like her are just the same people showing up everywhere, so I don’t think we can ever truly gauge how many people don’t like her.
I loved NCIS since the first episode. I liked Kate very much and was sorry when she died. Then Ziva appeared and I liked very much her strong personality, and complex character full of different nuances. When she left the show (no matter the reason) I sincerely hoped that her replacement could fit in at least as well as she did. Bishop appeared and regretfully my expectations weren’t fulfilled. I can hardly understand how could anybody think that she could work in the show. Besides many things changed, Tony returned to his adolescent attitude, Gibbs is weaker. Writers are not… Read more »
Everyone has a different personality. Just as you don’t understand why anyone would like Bishop, there are many people that don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t like Bishop. Her personality connects with a lot of people. I noticed no great difference with the rest of the team, the way people act differs with the people that surround them, that’s just how human nature is. I suggest you watch this season, I read an interview that said they were going back to the basics this season, so maybe this could be one you would approve of.