Person of Interest will return to CBS with season five at mid-season, but fans are wondering if this is the final season of the drama. The series does have a shortened episode order this season.
With the current news about Mike & Molly being cancelled after being given a similar shortened episode, fans may see a similar announcement for Person of Interest in the coming weeks.
However, the executive producer of the series, Greg Plageman, spoke to TV Line about the future of the series recently. He said:
“I dont think that’s really up to us, but we have always felt like there was more story to tell.”
In fact, he thinks they have enough story left for at least a seventh season.
The co-showrunner, Jonah Nolan, did reveal to TV Line that fans will receive closure if CBS decides to pull the plug. He said:
“The way we are crafting the season is that if this is it, if this is the end, I don’t think anyone’s going to leave unsatisfied.”
TV Series Finale previously reported that members of the cast were calling season five the best yet of the series.
Are you a fan of this series? Do you want more of Person of Interest? Tell us what you think.
Please, please don’t cancel Person of Interest!!!!!! It is my favorite show. You are making a BIG MISTAKE CBS! Come on POI fans speak up and let them know that this show should stay on!!!!!!
why is it that everything good needs to be cancelled…it would do this series a huge injustice…it needs to run a few more seasons until it finds its completion….
Please do not cancel this great show!
One of my Favorite shows on TV. I only have a couple I look forward to watching and this is one of them. Was disappointed to learn it was a short season. Lets hope it keeps going to at least Season 7 and suggested, there is enough content to keep the story line going!
Person of Interest is THE BEST series on television and if CBS were to cancel it, anyone can say that they are making a HUGE mistake doing so! At this point in the show, if POI were to continue until the estimated 7th season, it will continue to blow the minds of viewers, and CBS will GREATLY benefit from this as POI will attract newly interested viewers! SO WHY CANCEL THE SHOW CBS?!! It’s an amazingly crafted show with information relevant to today’s society and it will Largely increase in viewers in the near future. I can say on behalf… Read more »
Best show on tv next to college football .
We are going through horrible withdrawal of POI. Hurry I miss the suspense the story line keeps me wanting more
Hey, this is the only show I stop doing what I’m doing to watch. I hope it survives another season or two.
CBS is the problem. THEY are the ones in control & seem to have no idea that they hold the BEST SHOW ON TV and most relevant (no pun intended) to today’s events……………that has the prettiest cast on tv and characters you love & care about. Sound like a PERFECT combination of elements to me………………then WHY is it not on my TV? There are so many copy-cat type shows out there on CBS and other networks, they PALE in comparison to the jewel that POI is.
Hey, people when is POI suppose air, they mid season but when is that, TY?
Summer of 2016 :/
Person of Interest is one if the most intelligent shows EVER. I was so happy when Netflix and WGN America picked up seasons 1-4.
It is so well written, acted, directed, edited, scored, etc. that you can watch episodes over & over and still miss little complex details.
Person of Interest is STILL my favorite TV show – despite the fact that it has been removed from the lineup! I really don’t care for the present shoes offered, so I sit with my headphones on watching internet offerings while my wife watches her drivel. This REALLY pisses her off by the way!
It is a really great show, and I’ve been eagerly awaiting this season and it’s been very frustrating that we’ve had to wait and that there’s been no definitive information yet on its return…Is there any idea at this point when “mid-season” will be?…If it was going to be January, they’d probably have begun advertising already and would’ve set/shared a date…I hope that it will be back soon and also that they won’t have to too-quickly tie up everything that’s been unfolding over the course of years of the show!
In my opinion there’s a 51% chance POI will end after five seasons but I’m sticking to my guess.
My favourite show on CBS!