Pit Bulls & Parolees is returning soon. Animal Planet just announced the premiere date for the TV show’s 14th season.
The long-running docuseries follows Tia Torres, the founder of the New Orleans-based Villalobos Rescue Center, the largest pit bull rescue center in the United States.
Season 14 of Pit Bulls & Parolees premieres on Animal Planet on October 5th at 9 p.m. ET/PT.
Read more info below:
Animal Planet’s award-winning series PIT BULLS & PAROLEES returns with all new premieres featuring the same grit and spirit audiences know and love. Fans and viewers have watched, donated and even adopted from the New Orleans-based, Villalobos Rescue Center, the largest Pit Bull rescue in the United States. Each episode follows the fiery drama through all the highs and lows of animal rescue, as Tia and her family provide a second chance for Pit Bulls and a fresh start for parolees. And while Villalobos specializes in pit bulls, their dedication to dogs now extends to all breeds in need. At Villalobos, no dog is left behind. PIT BULLS & PAROLEES premieres Saturday, October 5th at 9 pm ET/PT.
This season on PIT BULLS & PAROLEES, former adopters return to Villalobos in hopes of finding another dog to add to their family, Lizzy, Tania, and Mariah create a “retirement center” at one of the warehouses to give the senior dogs a special place to call home, and for the first time, the rescue team celebrates their favorite holiday, Halloween, with a special event to benefit the hundreds of dogs in their care. The rescues this season continue to make a lasting impact on the team, from an abandoned dog with a severe skin condition to strays that lead the Villalobos employees on a wild goose chase. And this season, the Villalobos team sees families from Idaho to Florida to Wisconsin, who’ve opened their hearts and homes for a new family member.
Later in the season, a special two-hour cross-over episode features Tia partnering with Amanda Giese from the Animal Planet series, AMANDA TO THE RESCUE. Amanda travels from Washington State to New Orleans to collaborate with Tia to help Bean, a shy dog who suffered a traumatic leg injury after being shot. In the second hour, viewers meet Mai Tai and Sweet Roll, a deaf mother-daughter pup duo, and Super Scootie, a pint-sized ten year-old Pomeranian born with flipper feet who needs massive dental care after living alone in a home for an entire year.
Viewers of the show can also head to Animal Planet GO, YouTube, and Facebook to experience a mid-form series Found a Forever Home, to relive some of the most memorable dog rescues from PIT BULLS & PAROLEES and find out how the same dogs are doing today with their adopted families in their forever homes.
All past seasons of the show can be viewed in its entirety by audiences in the U.S. on the Animal Planet GO app.
PIT BULLS & PAROLEES is produced for Animal Planet by 44 Blue Productions, a Red Arrow Studios company, and Rive Gauche Television. Rasha Drachkovitch Billy Cooper and Jen Bies are the executive producers for 44 Blue Productions. For Animal Planet, Lisa Lucas is executive producer and Patrick Keegan serves as supervising producer.”
What do you think? Do you watch Pit Bulls & Parolees? Will you watch the new season?
Love the show
No cannot cancel must be renew I love the show the people need them to help theses dogs they are the dogs voice what will happen to theses dog if you don’t show them
Love the family and their dedication
Can we start a petition to have Pit Bulls and Parolees brought back to television? Would that help? What is the issue? A Fan in Yonkers, New York
I love pitbulls and parolees waiting on new seasons please!!!!
Please return this show to Animal Planet. It is one of my favorites, and during this time of covid-19, we need to see our lovable dogs regularly.
How is everyone on the show during this pandemic. I miss watching the show every day. I pray every one is healthy and safe
Please run reruns or something what’s going on??
Please show reruns of Pitbulls and Parolees now. We need our favorite shows to get us through this pandemic.
This our go-to show to binge watch past episodes during this time at home. It lifts our spirits when so much in the news is negative.
It is one of my favorites shows! The world needs to see all the stories of these amazing people and dogs. Through all the good and the bad. There need to be more people like this family doing what they do that help to make these dog’s life better. My heart goes out for them and am so grateful for what Pitbulls Care do
Keep the show running!
Adore this show
Love this show! One of my favorites! The world needs to see all the stories of these amazing people and the dogs. Through all the good and the bad. There needs to be more people like this family doing what they do that help to make these dogs life so much better. My
goes out for them and am so grateful for what they do
Keep the show running!
I love this show. The people at VRC are indeed special individuals. Please keep running this show.
Please keep this show, I have learned how sweet and awesome Pit Bulls are. What Tia and her family, parolies and volunteers do is wonderful! I love to watch the rescues, caring of and adoption stories. Please there is nothing much on TV today, keep renewing this show. I loved the show from SCI-Frackville (my father was born in Frackville).
Sincerely Pennsylvania Viewer
I love Pitt Bulls and Paroles and absolutely love it! God bless you for what you do!!