Debby Wong / Shutterstock.com
Prison Break will return to FOX in 2017, and Wentworth Miller is excited about the revival. He spoke about the series in an interview with Digital Spy, and he is fully behind this new nine-episode revival.
He said the following about the return:
“The original series was set in the US – that was our canvas. Now our canvas is global. That’s about story, but I also feel like that is a nod to our international fanbase. The show has been so well-received all over the world that to acknowledge that international scope felt right and important.”
The actor thinks this series is “worth the risk” to bring it back. Not every revival is a huge success. Heroes Reborn is an example of a revival that did not click with viewers.
Miller also spoke about where Michael is at during the revival:
“Is he the man that they remember? Because it’s been seven years and he’s walked a dark road. He’s been up to some not so nice things and there’s a question as to whether or not he’s even qualified to be considered a good man. I think we all wonder what we’re capable of, given the circumstances. And a prison setting provides those extreme set of circumstances, in which good people can do horrible things. That’s where Michael Scofield has always lived and breathed. But now when we find him again, has he crossed the line in a way that he can never come back? That’s at the heart of the story we’re currently telling.”
Are you excited for the return of Prison Break? Tell us what you think.
I am thrilled for the show to be revived but after seeing the first episode tonight I got a queasy feeling Michael has been changed too much. We fans LOVE the original Michael. You don’t go changing something that works.