Sleepy Hollow premiered on September 16, 2013, and ran on Monday nights for its first two seasons. While it struggled through its sophomore season, FOX gave an early third season renewal to the supernatural, historical fantasy police drama.
For its third season, FOX moved the series to Thursday nights. With the release of its 2016 schedule, FOX reveals it is moving Sleepy Hollow yet again — to the Friday night “death slot.”
As of November 5, 2015, season three of Sleepy Hollow was down in the ratings, averaging a .94 in the demo, with a season-to-date average audience of 3.37 viewers. That’s down by nearly 40% in the 18-49 demographic.
The Sleepy Hollow fall finale airs Thursday, Nov. 19. The mid-season premiere on February 5, 2016 will mark the series’ move to Fridays.
What do you think? Are you a fan of the Sleepy Hollow TV series on FOX? Will you keep watching? Do you think Sleepy Hollow will be cancelled after season three or renewed for a fourth season?
Great show, contains some history, has a good plot, acting is good, good action.I don’t think that a Friday showing will kill the series.
I like Sleepy Hollow and I hope it continues–It is a good show to watch
I find it quite compelling to be able to watch a show that is entertaining, to a point historically factual, and the chemistry among Abby and Ichabod makes an hour show very short. I have gotten to the point that I will not watch much TV because of its content… Mostly smut, dark moral eradication, and really poor writing. Fox seems to be like a typical politician, they are unwilling to listen to the people and what they want because they are supremely more intelligent that the common folk and they will tell us what we will watch. I have… Read more »
I agree I hate all this reality show smut. I love this show, love the characters, love their respect and love for each other without having to take their clothes off. It is very refreshing and not so over the top. I will watch it wherever it goes.
Deborah Fischer
Actually the Friday night slot isn’t a bad one. What is going to kill it is the 11 week break after having its 3rd season start on October 1. By their calculations the Nov 19th episode will be the 8th of the season, in an 18 episode season. That means if there are no interruptions that the series will conclude on April 8th. Now that might be good in that if it ends in the beginning of April and starts up says in mid to later part of September then the lay off between seasons will be shorter than previously.… Read more »
I am a BIG fan of “Sleepy Hollow”. This is a great show, very entertaining. I find FOX very frustrating. as they have had many great shows which they cancelled to soon. All networks need to update their ratings system. With all the alternates like Netflix, Crave-TV, shomi, I believe people are getting fed up with investing in a good show only to have it cancelled. Instead they wait for the shows to appear on one of the above mentioned programs and stream the episodes. If you want to be the Network that brings back the customers to Network TV… Read more »
Amen Donna!! I don’t understand why people watch so called “reality” shows when they are nothing more than scripted BS. What network TV needs to do is they need to give its viewers something “Extra” like say a half hour of extra content each week that you need in order for the next episode to make fit better than normal. I use Hulu to watch a lot of TV since I work nights and am not home. The networks need to get out of the box that they find themselves in. If they want viewers tuning in each week then… Read more »
Great show idiots are running the studios and all the demo numbers are idiots watching reality TV!!!
It’s Fox, folks. This is what they do and for the most part why they will never be a big time player like CBS or NBC. If you remember, they moved X-Files around a few times as well while they questioned it’s appeal….now they are bringing it back.
I love Sleepy hollow. I agree with you about fox is trying to cancel the show. We should start petition for sleepy hollow.
Isn’t this site 1 giant set of petitions.
Ben I agree with you about the petition and we should start one. If you can remember Sleepy Hollow had a Facebook page, but now its gone.
i like the show but they ruined it this year. but then maybe it should have been a 1 year series. it’s just running out of steam.
I think FOX is trying to cancel the show. I really like this show, but they messed up last season when the writers try to make the show a Ichabod and Katrina Soap Opera. No one wanted to see that and they started loosing a lot of viewers because of this. Now they are trying their best to get those viewers back. Why don’t they bring back the Headless-Horseman. That would bring a lot of the viewers back to the show. As Ichabod made the comment at the beginning of the third season, “Evil has returned to Sleepy Hollow”. if… Read more »
They did bring back the Horseman (for 1 episode). He was used by Pandora to give strength to that black tree in “I, Witness”. I guess it could be said that he served his purpose on the story line and it’s time to bring in the other trials that Ichabod and Abbie are supposed to encounter. Pandora has always been viewed as a young girl that didn’t know the wrong she was doing, so this version is actually fascinating. I can’t wait for each episode, so let’s keep the pressure on Fox and show them that Friday night isn’t a… Read more »
Caren, I remember them bringing the Horseman back for one episode, but why just one episode??!! Along with getting rid of the Horseman, they got rid of John Noble, Orlando Jones and Katia Winter (Katrina). A lot of fans didn’t like the Katrina character and the soap-opera between her and Ichabod. That I understood. Whomever the current writers are, their missing the entire concept of “Sleepy Hollow” and what the show was based on originally.
I have enjoyed watching this show since episode one. I was surprised by their decision last season to kill off Katrina. I wish the show would be shown on Monday nights after Gotham. I will try to watch it on Friday nights. I am currently watching the Thursday night episodes “On Demand” since I am often out on these evenings. I love the show and have enjoyed this season’s flashback episodes with Betsy Ross. Please keep them coming.
Again they use outdated rstings. 18-49? Where are the rest of us? I love this show and hope it breaks that Friday kill zone!
Fox is trying to kill a show that is extremely well-liked. Everyone speak up!
Don’t know if the move to Fridays is going to be the end for Sleepy Hollow.
I hope Sleepy Hollow lasts a few more seasons , in the beginning didn’t they say “7 years of tribulation” I hope its renewed for a few more seasons