Sleepy Hollow premiered on September 16, 2013, and ran on Monday nights for its first two seasons. While it struggled through its sophomore season, FOX gave an early third season renewal to the supernatural, historical fantasy police drama.
For its third season, FOX moved the series to Thursday nights. With the release of its 2016 schedule, FOX reveals it is moving Sleepy Hollow yet again — to the Friday night “death slot.”
As of November 5, 2015, season three of Sleepy Hollow was down in the ratings, averaging a .94 in the demo, with a season-to-date average audience of 3.37 viewers. That’s down by nearly 40% in the 18-49 demographic.
The Sleepy Hollow fall finale airs Thursday, Nov. 19. The mid-season premiere on February 5, 2016 will mark the series’ move to Fridays.
What do you think? Are you a fan of the Sleepy Hollow TV series on FOX? Will you keep watching? Do you think Sleepy Hollow will be cancelled after season three or renewed for a fourth season?
I have faith in this show and its viewers. Those of us who are fans will follow the show no matter what time it comes on nor what day.
This series is soooo cool. Please don’t cancel. Perhaps you can find different writers for the story line. It’s been totally creative all the way. I love, love the show, and I’m 65 yrs old!
I think they are taking the show in the wrong direction with the FBI story line. I think they should pursue the storyline with the reporter. they introduced in season 2 . Keeping with the local police department has a better small town feel. I also liked Holly’s character many paths they could involve him in. I am a fan and will continue to watch anyway. Don’t cancel.
Having always had a love of History and Mythology, I have been fan of Sleepy Hollow since the very first show. Like most of the other commenters on this series, I have all of the episodes taped. In today’s society, we are sorely lacking in our study of our past. This show is trying to weave our history into our present and teach us that if we do not understand the mistakes of the past, they will be repeated somewhere in our future while interweaving fantasy and magic into the mix. Considering how morally devoid most of the series are… Read more »
The fact that FOX thinks that putting Sleepy Hollow on Friday Nights will destroy the show is there lack of confidence in the fan base. From what I’m reading here in the comments, is a strong indication that Sleepy Hollow will survive.
Fox seems as if they are becoming like our political leaders. The people are talking and telling them what they want but they aren’t listening, as if, they know better as to want we like and what we don’t like. I mean, here is a show that deals with subject matter that has some connection to our country’s past, its entertaining, engaging, and frankly just a good show but that just isn’t good enough for Fox. After the season ending episode this past Thursday night, Fox introduced a new show which depicts Satan as some good guy to the people…… Read more »
Outside of watching the NFL on Sunday the only other time that I usually watch anything on Fox is when sleepy hollows on, and not only have I taped all of the episodes, but I’ve became totally fascinated by the character Ichabod Crane, just imagine to have a human being from 200 plus years ago living amongst us here during the 21st century just fascinating
It would be fascinating to see our world through their eyes. Then you see the commercial for that shows the twins discussing their ancestors and wanting to go back 100 or 200 years without realizing what the conditions would be. Scary thought.
Friday night time slot is the networks way to say farewell to Sleepy Hollow. Ratings for season 3 are half of season 2. Season 2 was half of season 1. Friday night is not a big viewing night. So, if you like the show you might want to record it. It is on its last leg and about to enter deep mud.
I really love this show, as did my late husband who watched all the episodes with me. It’s fun, we learn about some mythology, and are entertained by some fine actors. Please keep the show on it’s the best one on TV now, hands down.
I love Sleepy Hollow and it should not be cancelled. I think they could bring back the Horseman for more episodes and get rid of Pandora, she is rather irritating. I love the chemistry between Niccole and Tom and it seems the writers tend to think we want to see a wedge between the two of them. Not so! With Ichabod going on date with what’s her face is rather boring. I put up with it non the less because I love the show. Fox wants to cancelled this show. Why??? They’ve gone from Mondays to Thursdays to see if… Read more »
Oh my! I love this show, the chemistry between Crane and the Lieutenant is beautiful. Don’t kill the show because of subpar writing. I can be very busy with my job for weeks on end and the family and I enjoy hanging out on the weekend’s to catch up on our shameless TV watching. Thank Heavens for DVR. Sometimes I cheat and use my tablet / or phone to watch this show. Spoilers does nothing to my enthusiasm! Not everyone has the time to make time to watch a show on a set date and time, that’s why we have… Read more »
This show us well acted and it would be a shame for it to be cancelled due to poor writing. I liked season 3 and am looking forward to the 4th.
and 5, 6, and 7th 🙂
The storyline has morphed from anachronistic comedy occult drama with only shreds of history to pique audience interest. Given our society’s lack of knowledge these days in both literature and history, folks will buy whatever fantasy thrown out there as gospel. The 2 main characters are wonderful actors, but it took less than one season to devolve into grisly, occult fantasy. Tom Mison is a natural for this series’ role. It’s too bad that the script isn’t living up to his acting capabilities, or Nicole Beharie’s. The series might fail due to the writers, not the lead actors.
Agreed. The first season was pretty good (although still far from great) but its been a mess ever since. Was hoping for improvement in S3 but it didn’t happen. Based on the ratings #s from the other page this show is heading for Sleepy Hollow’s graveyard. RIP.
“Sleepy Hollow” has been an intriguing show from the start. I’ve loved how the writers have integrated history, myth, the arcane, and supernatural. I think they need to return some of the edge the opening seasons had when family and revolutionary issues were behind the drama’s flow and characters’ actions. Don’t fall into the trap of depending on FX to make up for failing to keep the audience drawn to the characters and their stories.
I hope this is not the end for sleepy hello I really enjoy the show and I hope they keep it on I find the characters very interesting and I would hate to see it go off