There’s no need for fans to keep looking for a second season of the Sons of Winter TV show. The Discovery Channel series has been cancelled after one season of eight episodes. The show debuted on April 28th of this year and ran through June 6th.
Sons of Winter features the Barks, a family of homesteaders who rejected modern living. They instead live off the grid and maintain a pioneer lifestyle in northern Saskatchewan. They sustain themselves by running a trapline and catching lynx, wolves, beavers, martens, and more. The family sells the precious pelts for cash to buy supplies and necessities. As the series begins, two oldest sons Dale and Shane try to survive the winter season on their own as a traditional “Right of Passage”.
Tara-Lynn Barks confirmed the cancellation on Facebook and wrote:
Well, the winter will soon be upon us as we spend every minute trying to prepare before the snow flies…But in the midst of our preparations we DID finally receive a phone call yesterday and were told that Discovery has chosen NOT to pick up a 2nd season of Sons of Winter… Could possibly be due to a new Discovery President taking the reins midseason and changing things up and possibly that its time slot didn’t garner the ratings that they had hoped. Or, maybe they just didn’t like the show lol But we do know as a family there is Someone much greater than us in control, and we trust that in the end, it simply was not His plan for it to continue, and in that, we are content…
But that is the latest news from our family direct to you. Thank you so much for your love and support and we have so enjoyed getting to know people from all over the world and are thankful for the new friends we have made… For our family, we count ourselves blessed for the really neat opportunity that the Lord provided through this show, we will now continue life as normal (and a little more relaxed this winter!) It remains our prayer that the Lord will continue to provide our family with opportunities to make a difference in His Kingdom….Thanks again to all of you, from Mr & Mrs Winter and the Sons of Winter
She later wrote on Facebook:
For all who have inquired about a season 2, the show was cancelled and we are OK with that as we know that we serve and trust a big God. But if you liked the shows and want to see real life updates check out the family page. We have enjoyed getting to know so many new people. Thanks to all for your support, and Merry Christmas from the Barks and Griz families to yours.
What do you think? Did you like the Sons of Winter TV show? Are you disappointed that there won’t be a second season? Would you watch the show elsewhere?
I would definitely watch this show on another Chanel
Yes my husband and I enjoyed your show very much if they are going to cancel a show why not 1 of the naked and afraid or other stupid shows
My wife and i loved the show and the family was awsome so disappointed, with all the **** that is put on tv i cant belive u took this off so disappointed.
I’m so disappointed! This was a show my family never missed. Of course it was canceled. It was a wholesome, family show with a respectable family. If it had drugs or violence it would still be filming.
I very much enjoyed Sons of Winter compared to some of the other Alaskan shows. So sorry it was cancelled!!
I would rather watch The sons of Winter instead of the Browns. The Sons of Winter shows were educational, and exciting. The Browns are fake. Please return The Sunset of Winter. We would like to see how the one son is, that fell through the ice. How is he doing? Very concerned. We enjoyed the whole family and what they stood for. The father actually taught his sons to be men and they don’t have to be babysit like the Brown boys. The Brown boys are in their 30’s and can’t even cut down a tree without daddy being there… Read more »
Unfortunately no new season…but you can check out updates at
Thank you for your kind comments. or check out our new magazine (family friendly) at
Awesome show! Disappointed it was canceled
Check out to see the new magazine we are working on…it will be about the heart of simply living. The reason people liked the show was b/c they recognized the passion in which we live the life we love. We want to encourage people to not just dream about the simpler life, but work toward it. The Magazine will include simple life strategies, off grid living, hunting/trapping, how to’s like tanning, soap making, etc…but always reaching for the heart of “why” these activities showcase the heart of simply living… You can find Bear Essential Life on facebook as well.… Read more »
I would watch this series on any channel. It was so interesting, watching how this family interact and survive in such harsh surroundings.
Very disappointed there will be no season was a popular show in our of luck to the Barks family.
Maybe they were too normal. (Re.alaskan bushpeople.)
Of all the shows this cancel is this not one of them. It was good TV that and I will miss the Barks. Your lost Discovery CH. I’ll avoid your channel now.
I’m bummed. I’ve been waiting for season 2. Can’t believe this was cancelled, but Moonshiners is on season one too many!
i loved the show was so hoping they would be on for a long time.they are great parent`s great neighbor`s wish them love and peace.. now i`d like to rip into th people who take these great shows off tv
Great show shame on you Discovery,we would watch it on any channel.
How is Granma Griz doing