With stars in their eyes, Nickelodeon has ordered the Star Falls TV show to series. The program comes from creator George Doty IV. It centers on a teenaged girl, Sophia Miller (Siena Agudong), who convinces a movie star to move himself and his family into her home, while he’s on location.
A live-action comedy, Star Falls also stars Kamaia Fairburn as Diamond Brooks, Tomaso Sanelli as Nate Rex, Jadiel Dowlin as Phoenix Brooks, and Marcus Cornwall as Bo Brooks. The new Nickelodeon TV show hails from Breakthrough Entertainment.
Although Nickelodeon has not yet announced the pickup on its press site, Deadline has confirmed the cable network has ordered a 20-episode first season of Star Falls.
What do you think? How do you like the sound of the Star Falls TV series? Do you plan to check it out, when it premieres on Nickelodeon? Let us know, below.