An action series, Strike Back follows a stealth counter-terrorism unit as it spans the globe, stopping potential threats. Meanwhile, the cast and crew are hoping viewers will continue to follow the TV show, ensuring that it won’t be cancelled any time soon.
The cast of Strike Back: Vengeance includes Philip Winchester, Sullivan Stapleton, Rhashan Stone, Michelle Lukes, Rhona Mitra, and Charles Dance. It airs on Cinemax in the US and on Sky1 in the UK.
Here are the most recent TV ratings for Strike Back. The series’ ratings are the best way to tell if a show will be cancelled or renewed for another season. The third season — Strike Back: Vengeance — airs Friday nights (Cinemax didn’t air the six episodes of season one). There are 10 episodes.
These figures will be updated as the weeks progress so be sure to bookmark and return to this page:
Final season averages: 0.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 310,000 viewers.
Episode 03-10: Friday, 10/12/12
0.13 demo rating (+44% change) with 0.25 million (+6% change).
Season averages: 0.13 in the demo with 0.31 million.
Episode 03-09: Friday, 10/05/12
0.09 demo rating (-36% change) with 0.24 million (-24% change).
Season averages: 0.13 in the demo with 0.32 million.
UPDATE: Cinemax has ordered a new season of Strike Back that will air in 2013.
Episode 03-08: Friday, 09/28/12
0.14 demo rating (-22% change) with 0.31 million (-13% change).
Season averages: 0.13 in the demo with 0.33 million.
Episode 03-07: Friday, 09/21/12
0.18 demo rating (+64% change) with 0.36 million (+36% change).
Season averages: 0.13 in the demo with 0.33 million.
Episode 03-06: Friday, 09/14/12
0.11 demo rating (+10% change) with 0.26 million (-19% change).
Season averages: 0.13 in the demo with 0.33 million.
Episode 03-05: Friday, 09/07/12
0.10 demo rating (-17% change) with 0.33 million (+20% change).
Season averages: 0.13 in the demo with 0.34 million.
Episode 03-04: Friday, 08/31/12
0.12 demo rating (-14% change) with 0.27 million (-20% change).
Season averages: 0.14 in the demo with 0.34 million.
Episode 03-03: Friday, 08/24/12
0.14 demo rating (0% change) with 0.33 million (-15% change).
Season averages: 0.14 in the demo with 0.37 million.
Episodes 03-01 & 03-02: Friday, 08/17/12
0.14 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 0.39 million total viewers.
Season average: 0.14 in the demo with 0.39 million.
Cable ratings are typically released within a day or so of the show’s airing, except for in the case of weekends and holidays. They are sometimes harder to come by so there may be occasional delays or gaps. Thanks to Nick in the TVbytheNumbers comments for many of these numbers.
What do you think? Do you like Strike Back TV series? Do you think that it should be cancelled or renewed for a fourth season?
Can’t wait. Thanks cinemax
Can’t wait for next season.
This show is awesome it needs to have a fourth season and many more after that!!!!!
Pls this series needs to be renewed for the fourth season. It is the best øƒ Military intelligence.
I love the show. I just wish Max also would have showed the first 6 episode from the first season instead getting people confused calling the second season the first season.
Awful! The very 1st season was good but now it’s simply awful
[…] Vengeance season of Strike Back is currently airing and is expected to finish on October 12th. The eight […]
Can hardly wait for each new episode and the repeats – just to see Michael and Scott. How I wish for: “Mary – commin to ya”. The show is nonstop action, adventure, and terrific acting. Just love their comments to each other (bet some is not scripted). If it were on cable and not payview, it would be soaring. Please keep “commin to us” guys.
Hopefully, endlessly!
Hell Yes renewed!, I hope this show goes on for a few more seasons. It is my favorite TV show at the moment, Just like Spartacus Vengeance was last winter.
Love the show! Hell yes, bring it back for season 4.
I absolutely love Strike Back! It is the best show on television! Please help to continue the series. I watch it over and over!
I love this show. It’s pure fun for adults. I hope it gets renewed.
StrikeBack: Vengence really. There is already a Spartacus Vengence and that show is way better than this one. Cinemax should of called it StrikeBack: Last Chance.
No way dude…both series are differents…Strike Back are awesome, i hope to see season 4, 5,6, etc…
Excellent show please don;t cancel, look forward to each episode.
I agree….i live on Argentina and watch this serie since from beginning