As you may have already heard, Zero Hour has been cancelled by ABC after only three episodes. The news doesn’t come as a surprise as the debut represented ABC’s worst scripted premiere in the history of their regular seasons. The numbers for episodes two and three were even worse.
Still, there were at least five million or so people who made a point of watching Zero Hour each week. They’re understandably upset about the cancellation news — as are members of the cast.
Addison Timlin (Rachel): “The end of zerohour brings me great sadness, but every ending is a new beginning and that is always laced with hope. Thank you all, truly.” “What to the world was just 3 episodes was a whole year for us. Truly an honor to know, work with and love you, to everyone on the team. Xo”
Jacinda Barrett (Laila): agreed with Timlin’s second statement and added, “couldn’t have said it better. Xxxx”
Carmen Ejogo (Beck): “In a NY minute everything can change In a NY minute things can get a little strange” “#nomorezerohour I guess that means I can start watching American Idol again. #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife” “I believe process is often more important than outcome. I had the BEST time making @ZeroHour_ABC with everyone all year, so #noregretsbaby”
Scott Michael Foster (Aaron): “I absolutely loved #ZeroHour and everyone who worked on it. Will miss filming one of the coolest and enjoyable shows I’ve been on.” “To all my wonderful twitter followers, you make the hard part of this job so much easier with your kind words and support. Thank you.”
What do you think? What was your reaction to Zero Hour being cancelled? What did you think of the work of the show’s cast and crew?
WHAT This was the only show on TV that was not made for zombies. Yet they keep American Idiot, oh I mean American Idol……………
WTH! Let me guess, it was pulled off the air because it didn’t envolve smut, lies, violence, or betrayal therfore it wasn’t good enough! This is/was one of the only few shows on the air that is actually clean, interesting, entertaining, and fun to watch. My family loved it. I say bring it back run the remaining 10 episodes then let the PUBLIC decide whether it should be pulled! I don’t think I’ll be promoting ABC anytime soon.
ABC you have really lost it this time. You cancel Last Resort and now you have cancelled one of the best shows that you have managed to come up with in a long time. Your idiots!I spend most of my time watching CBS because you have not a single show that is worth watching. Once you do come up with a decent show you cancell it. Well it is back to CBS to watch some good shows. So! Zero Hour may of had a shaky start, how about shaking up the writers and make it into something that is really… Read more »
I really enjoyed this show and am saddened that it has been cancelled. Perhaps Fox or syfy can pick it up. It’s a shame, really…turned on the tv to watch it and Shark Tank was on…seriously???
How sad. I can’t believe they said it was the worst premiere ever. Zero Hour had my attention from minute one and I couldn’t wait for the next show. I haven’t been that interested in a television program since Jericho was on television. Of course that was cancelled too. If a program has any substance or has any possibility of truth it is quickly removed. It will not be brought back because it apparently “offended” someone. Hey Fox pick it up!
I can’t believe they cancelled it!!!! My husband and I love it and were all set to watch it this evening! ABC, please bring back Zero Hour!
So disappointed that zero hour was canceled!! My family had been looking forward to watching the next episode all week!! Amazing how they cancel a good show yet keep such crap on!!
I’m very upset. I loved the show you didn’t give it enough time.
I really enjoyed the show. It may have been too complicated for some people, but I found it interesting and exciting. I’m very disappointed that they are cancelling it.
This was a very enjoyable new show – I am very upset at the abrupt end – I was looking forward to watching the next episode tonight. There is VERY little worth watching on TV. I intensely dislike ALL the “reality” shows… Thankfully I can watch old TV series on Hulu thru my computer … American Idol is dull and Shark Tank an instant turnoff.
I’m very mad! Zero Hour should not be cancelled. It’s a great and very interesting show. Zero Hour needs to come back,I was really looking forward to a whole season or two of the show. I’m really disappointed with ABC!
First, “the River”, now “Zero Hour”. The dumbing down of America continues to the 25th power…hey, ABC, the 5 million viewers you just jerked around for three weeks should take a stand and BOYCOTT your network. At this point, I am afraid to start watching ANYTHING new you offer unless its mindless pap and drivel. Anything with quality and substance, you slit your own throat. Back in the 1960’s and 1970’s you really cared about your viewer-ABC used to feel like home… now it just feels like an enemy- one who just looks out for his own best interest and… Read more »
I can’t believe this was cancelled. I thought it was very interesting. Not everyone watches realit shows. I hope or comes back. 🙁
Bring it back. I liked it and was looking forward to see it tonight.
Are you kidding me? You finally put up a show that requires thinking and pit it against American Idol and then cancel it for poor ratings? What show do you think will compete against Idol? You need to reconsider or let the cast have the program aired on another channel…I have bragged about this series to so many people who simply had not heard of it and now can’t find it…Really dumb decsion by someone!