To absolutely no surprise, the peacock renewed The Voice for a second season. The singing competition will debut mid-season with to two hour episodes that will air Mondays from 8-10pm. That evening has been a real problem for NBC for the past several years so it make sense that they would try something new.
With vocal coaches Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Adam Levine, and Blake Shelton, The Voice has been a huge success for NBC thus far in its first year. The premiere debuted to a whopping 5.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 11.78 million viewers. The second episode did even better. The third episode dropped but it’s still a big hit for the ratings-starved network.
ABC hasn’t announced their new schedule yet but its expected that The Voice will be going head-to-head with Dancing with the Stars. Though the ABC series has a larger overall viewership, The Voice has been doing better in the coveted demo. It’ll be interesting to see who wins next season.
Referring to the show’s tremendous success, NBC Universal chairman Bob Greenblatt said, “By the way, thank you God for The Voice.”
What do you think? Are you glad to hear the series is returning? Which do you prefer? Dancing with the Stars or The Voice?
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[…] Well, tonight’s the night. NBC is launching Smash, their most-anticipated new TV series of the season, and giving it the strongest lead-in they have, The Voice. […]
I like it better than American Idol. ANd I havebeen a huge fan of Idol for years. Please keep it up!!
For next season I hope they make it a little longer then 12 episodes, it felt really short. I really did enjoy it though.
Wow,,incredible show. wish we had an opportunity to hear more of that Tarralynn Ramsey. She is awesome….
I will HAPPILY take a peacock, an eye, or a fox over a greedy mouse anyday!
I hate both of them, they both suck. I completely don’t understand how their so much more popular than scripted shows or minute to win it. F**K both shows!!!!