Best Friends Whenever cancelled by Disney Channel. Pictured: Landry Bender as Cyd, Matthew Royer as Chet, Gus Kamp as Barry, Benjamin Royer as Bret, Ricky Garcia as Naldo and Lauren Taylor as Shelby. (Disney Channel/Craig Sjodin)
It seems the friendship will have to continue off screen. There will be no season three of the Best Friends Whenever TV show, because it has been cancelled by Disney Channel. Landry Bender posted about the cancellation on her Tumblr blog and made sure to thank creators Jed Elinoff and Scott Thomas. Check it out, below.
A live-action comedy, Best Friends Whenever followed best friends Cyd Ripley (Bender) and Shelby Marcus (Lauren Taylor), who have the power to leap forward and backward in time whenever they want – and sometimes when they don’t. The Disney Channel cast also included Gus Kamp, Ricky Garcia, and identical twins Benjamin Cole and Matthew Lewis Royer. The cancellation means the two-part season two finale episode, “Revenge of the Past,” which aired on December 11th, will serve as the unintentional TV series finale.
Landry Bender Confirms Best Friends Whenever Cancelled by Disney Channel
Because social media posts sometimes go missing, here’s the text of Bender’s farewell message.
Hey –
I started writing this on December 16th but I wasn’t yet ready to share. I enjoy writing amateur scripts more than lengthy Tumblr posts but hopefully this’ll do. As some of you may have heard, Best Friends Whenever won’t be going any further. Even though we’ve known this for a couple of months now, it doesn’t make it hurt any less.
First off, HUGE thank you to Jed and Scott (our leaders/work dads) for a multitude of things. I’ve grown so much as an actor and even more as a person through them hiring my barely 14 year old self and trusting me to be a part of an ensemble with some of the most comically talented teenagers I know. They made it a routine to have “writer’s lunch” every Friday where we got to eat upstairs in the production office and get giddy about future storylines, something I’ve been told “kids” shows don’t do. And there were of course SO many other people behind and in front of that show who I adore, who without I wouldn’t be the person I am today, and who I’m sure will attend my wedding someday.
This show was my high school, the best one a girl could dream of. And even though we’ll all move on to different projects, being able to say I grew up with people is something I’ll forever cherish.
I of course can’t give enough thank you’s to you guys for the constant love – truly. We grew a following from nothing which is very rare for a show with quirky teenagers and special effects to do. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Whenever, whatever, wherever, I’m right there with you. xo, Landry
What do you think? Are you sad Best Friends Whenever was cancelled? Do you think Disney Channel should have renewed this TV show for season three, instead? Let us know, below.
I don’t want Best Friends Whenever canceled, I love e the show A LOT! !!!!!! But it is typical of Disney Channel, they cancel great shows and they keep the STUPID ONE’S. I just don’t understand their thinking. And YES they left way to many cliff hangers for the show. Also, to cancel a show without any notice is not cool or anyway to run entertainment service! PLEASE BRING BACK “BEST FRIENDS WHENEVER “
I agree! I mean Lab Rats Elite Force ended in a cliffhanger where Douglas was going to die and the bad guys were going to win! HOW COULD DISNEY END A SHOW LIKE THAT?! wait Disney channel and Disney XD are the same thing right?
I love this show I looked up to it and of course Disney had to get rid of it when it has something amazing happened and bring in the bad I don’t like Disney channel anymore they don’t have anything good cause they got rid of it all. So I say boo Disney. I rest my case.
But if you want me to like you Disney BRING BACK BEST FRIENDS WHENEVER.
Not surprised. Worse acting ever, can’t believe it lasted that long.
I Can’t Believe This. After 2 Seasons, They Decided To End Just Like I Didn’t Do It?! That’s Insane
Are you serious?!! Best Friends whenever has been my all time favorite show. I am so mad/sad that is over they left so many Clift hanger, also if Disney Channel knew that there was not a season three why didn’t they let tell all the viewers!? Also why is there not a season three?!!!!!! WHY?!
Because they say the viewers went down from season 1 to season 2 and they’re afraid that’s gonna happen when season 3 will be dropped..
Are you serious I just found out today. I can’t believe that we didn’t get to see when Shelby and Barry end up together. And we didn’t get to see Cyd and Naldo get married and have kids. ;-;
OK first of all Shelly and Barry were never going to end up together it was only Cyd and Naldo and I don’t think they have that many seasons read Cyd said and Naldo getting married
I loved this show and I am very disappointed that it won’t be coming back. I feel like they kinda left us hanging.
Good it sucked so bad pop some champagne
I love series about time travel and at first I thought, Oh my, what a weak show, but I got really addicted to it because of the actors and it was really refreshing, that they didn’t time travel like to special events in history and so on. I really enjoyed it and am very sad that the second season ended so abprubtly T.T
I would definetly watch a third or even fourth season <3
No, please don’t cancel Best friends whenever! Its my favorite show on Disney Channel. :'( If you cancel it, I won’t have anything to watch on that channel. I`m not really a fan of the other shows.
I don’t want Best Friends Whenever canceled either. I really enjoyed watching it. I also would of loved to see more Cyd/Naldo moments on the show. I’m now sad that Best friends whenever won’t have a season 3….unless they change their minds after reading these comments? I know that won’t happen, but I could at least try. I don’t want it canceled.
I can’t believe they canceled it. I really loved the show they should’ve gotten a season 3.
I can’t believe they canceled it. I Really loved the show, they should’ve gotten a season 3.
I can’t believe they canceled it. it really loved the show, they should’ve gotten a season 3.
I truly believe that Best friends whenever should continue to season 3 because I love that show and there are other kids around the world who love this show as much as I do. PLEASE CONTINUE THIS SHOW !!!!!!!!!!!
I agree, they should of continued. it probably had low view ratings. I say it only had low view ratings because they mostly put it on once a day and during night too. People will be asleep. How can they watch it if its on only at night time? Please don`t cancel BFW.
I loved this show. The girls’ friendship, Barry’s and Naldo’s shenanigans, Diesel the dog, and the Twins. If they don’t bring this back then I think the twins need a spin-off.