Syfy aired the final season premiere of Bitten last week. Recently, star Laura Vandervoort spoke with Collider about the end of the supernatural series and what fans can expect.
Bitten was cancelled back in December.
Speaking to Collider, Vandervoort, who plays a female werewolf, said she’s “proud” of the third season:
We’re really focused on the third season because I’m proud of the cast and our crew, and everything we accomplished this year. We have such dedicated fans. It’s grown, over the years. I never like to say something is gone. You never know. We’re just really excited we got three seasons, which is an accomplishment for our show, and I just really want to see the show do well this year.”
Earlier, we reported that both the actress and the series’ showrunner are hopeful the series might be saved for a fourth season. But if not, Vandervoort said the end of the third season will have closure for fans:
I believe that the show really does a great job, this season, of taking the characters to where they needed to be. Whether fans like or dislike that, we’ll have to wait and see. I’m pleased with the direction it went in. I do think it’s a nice closure for the characters. I like to say that there’s always a hope. It’s just difficult because you never know with television what will happen. But I think what we’ve done this season should make fans very, very pleased.”
What do you think? Are you a fan of Bitten? Did you watch the season three premiere? Do you think the show deserves another season?
I just started watching didn’t this year 2017 and I watched all 3 Seasons in 5 days I love it and I hope and pray that they bring it back for a 4th season and let clay and Elena have a baby and four Jeremy to get closure cuz he doesn’t have closure is driving around the roads without a guy acting like a weirdo so I just pray that everything goes well even if they bring it back like this season but five years down the road in the season it’s that make sense like when they show it… Read more »
Can’t believe it is cancelled why?? I’ve just finished all 3 seasons, it is a fantastic series with even more fantastic acting. Syfy you could do another 10 seasons and still have massive fan base! Shocked
Bitten is fab all off our family are great fans . We really hope there is a season 4 and 5 ECT.
Trust TV fat cat to cancel a brilliant TV series
We deserve a series 4 it’s also extremely rude to Deny the world Laura Diane Vandervort
Give us more seasons why cancell bitten when there is crap shows like only way is Essex still going it’s not right bring back bitten
I would love a 4th season, I feel the show has more to offer us fans and I love watching clay and Elena and really curious about their future kids
Kinda sucks they cancelled it. It was a great ending but it could have gone many seasons. All the good shows end…..
Definitely think y’all should continue the series as the way u left it off it has to continue at some point an there’s so many more wolves to be seen plus the alpha council have yet to be introduced hope an pray y’all continue series .
I have just started watching bitten I watched the first season in 2 days. It has a way of drawing you in and wanting more. I absolutely love the show. It’s really sad they stopped after 3 seasons. I could definitely watch this for many more seasons.
I just started watching on Netflix and i LOVE IT I am really sad there not making any more
I have watched season 1 and half of 2 in a week so said!!!
I just started watching bitten on Netflix & binged watched it only to find out it was cancelled!! I’m tired of reality shows, I’m usually not a syfy fan but my husband is & he got me started watching it. I’m so tired of watching tv shows, especially when they’re good & have a high fan base. I’ve watched all the tv shows that Laura Vandervoort has been a part of & she’s a great actress, so much so that she truly makes her character real. Every character on bitten made their story line real. Bad move on the on… Read more »
My sister and I were wondering why Bitten wasn’t coming on. We just found out that the show was on Netflix. We literally binge-watched all three seasons in 2 1/2 days!! Then I searched to see when season 4 would premiere and found this terrible news! This has to be one of THE BEST werewolf series created. There MUST be a season 4. The characters have so much more to show us. Syfy or any network, PLEASE RECONSIDER!
I am so disappointed I loved Bitten there has to be a Season 4, please bring it back
I really love Bitten. Season 3 was excellent especially the ending. Please make more seasons. I wouldnt want it to just end like that. I am a really hige fan of Bitten. Please bring it back
Please renew Bitten for season 4. There are very few “good” science fiction shows out there and after 3 years, we have come to love the characters of the show. It’s not common for shows to have such good writers, but I am never disappointed in Bitten. Please bring the show back!
Why did you cancel Bitten. This was a very favorite of many viewers. I am very disappointed in Syfy for canceling this series’s .