Counterpart has added a recurring player to its cast. Deadline reported that Guy Burnet has joined the new spy drama. Burnet has been seen on both Ray Donovan and The Affair.
Deadline shared the following about Burnet’s role on the Starz series:
“Burnet will play Claude Lambert, arrogant and high-living French ambassador from the “Other Side” whose bonhomie covers an intrinsic ruthlessness. Lambert has an impromptu meeting with Howard Prime — but it’s obvious he has a long-standing agenda he intends to implement, and he’s willing to grant any concessions to achieve his end — namely, to have a mysterious prisoner returned to his country’s custody. Obviously a cog in a greater conspiracy, he greatly complicates Prime’s investigation when he revokes his visa…”
Guy Burnet will also appear on the second season of Hand of God. Do you plan to check out Counterpart? Tell us what you think.