Is CSI: Cyberending? In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the CBS’ series executive producer discussed the future of the series.
CSI: Cyber is currently in the middle of its second season.
Questions arose about the future of CSI: Cyber when CBS released their Spring 2016 schedule last week. In the schedule, the crime procedural was moved from its regular timeslot to Wednesdays. However, despite the time change, exec producer Anthony Zuiker said they have no intention of ending the series:
We’re going to go ahead and do 22 [episodes] as ordered, and then you sit tight in May and see how the schedule shuffles around and you hope to continue. We have the biggest stars in television in terms of Ted Danson, Patricia Arquette and James Van Der Beek; it’s an amazing franchise and a very solid show. Because the future of crime is cyber, there’s no reason why it shouldn’t continue.”
Zuiker also mentioned that if another good idea for a CSI spin-off arose, he’d be interested. “For right,” he said,” our focus is on CSI: Cyber.”
What do you think? Do you watch CSI: Cyber? Do you think it will last long?
PLEASE keep CSI:Cyber going! This is a terrific show, great cast, truly enlightening to us non-techie types–even if the techie crowd thinks the show is beneath them. I’ve learned a lot from this show about hackers, cyber-stalkers, how the “dark web” works, etc. Great show.
I watch CSI: Cyber, and I think it’s a GREAT show. I love the way they get inside the tech aspects (which gives us mere mortals the motivation to find personal application possibilities, to protect ourselves from cyber-stalkers/hackers). This show makes me think I could be a “white hat.”
The show is very entertaining to us non geeks. It should be moved to a different day so as not to be constantly pre-empted by various sporting events and other TV specials. Give it another chance..
Let’s hope it sticks around they’ve got a good one even if it is a spin-off of the other CSI shows
I Think CBS Cyber Should Be Able To Withstand The Tides And Last For A Decade
I think Cyber show should be given a chance to grow. Almost 2 seasons through and it still has great shows each week!!
Love this show…Please continue!
Tbh the show grew on me I didn’t start liking it til like episode 9 of season 1 but season 2 was really solid dB is an excellent foil to all the tech savvy agents. Mundo still isn’t very likable but this is a solid show I enjoy it a lot.
I love the CSI franchise and would be terribly disappointed if Cyber was cancelled. I was concerned when they didn’t end S2 on a cliffhanger but, instead, tied up all loose ends in a neat little bow. I really hope the series continues for a while yet.
That tidy wrap up was why I feared that the show had been cancelled too. Here’s hoping that they are paying attention. We don’t want another Firefly incident.
Please do not cancel CSI Cyber. Really NOT interested in reality TV.
Great show. Great cast. Timely. Should be renewed.
I hope for a Season 3 to 10! I love this show!
The season finale sure looked like a series wrap-up. D.B. in love in Paris, the former blackhats as agents or consultants, Avery back with her husband..
Terrific show. Never miss an episode. Smartly written. Interesting. Hope it’s renewed.
Give it a chance. The Dick Van Dyke show almost didn’t make it to the second season – and we know how that show turned out.
Same thing with Cheers — although I never liked Cheers.