Dancing with the Stars is returning to ABC for its 29th season later this year, and some big changes were announced this week. Both Tom Bergeron and Erin Andrews have been let go as hosts of the dancing competition series.
On social media, Bergeron and Andrews revealed they were informed of their exits.
ABC also released their own statement about the departure of Bergeron and Andrews, per E! Online:
“Tom Bergeron will forever be part of the Dancing with the Stars family. As we embark on a new creative direction, he departs the show with our sincerest thanks and gratitude for his trademark wit and charm that helped make this show a success, Erin will also not be returning, and we appreciate all that she brought to the ballroom. Fans have been rooting for her since she originally competed as a contestant back in 2010, and her signature sense of humor has become a hallmark of the show.”
Bergeron has hosted the series since its launch in 2005, and Erin joined the series as co-host in 2014. ABC announced the fall return of the series last month.
What do you think? Are you shocked by the exit of both hosts? Are you curious about the new direction for the Dancing with the Stars series?
I wasn’t a big fan of the show but now I KNOW I won’t be watching it. What was wrong with the way it was? Just following suit, huh ABC?
Glad Erin is gone but it doesn’t matter. With Tom gone we will NOT BE watching. They have lost their flipping minds. Tom is the only good thing they have. The crap they pulled last season with their so called “winner” was a joke. She is an embarrassment. So trashy and so not talented. Tom deserves so much better!!!
DWTS has been such a disappointment to us. Never the best dancer wins. It is a popularity contest. Bobby Bones was a disaster. Tom & his quick wit was fabulous !!! Not a fan of Erin.
You keep the weird & funny people on, but they can’t dance. It just isn’t a dance contest.
You need to really get rid of 2 judges & keep Bruno.
I will no longer watch the show when Tom and Erin are no longer be on the show.
I feel ABC has made a very big mistake on their part. I really have enjoyed seeing Tom and Erin on DWTS. I for one will no longer watch the show.
I am not impressed they let Tom and Erin go WTH?!
I like Tom, but the three women hosts have been underwhelming. Andrews is the best out of the three but they could do better.
Fill in host Remini has a lot of personality but is off putting to some.
Hiring an Ex Dancer is not the solution either.
Need to fix the voting and definitely make the judges opinions weigh more than online, and phone voting.
Also need to pay more or sweeten the deal for better contestants, the illusion is over that if you go on the show it will boost your career.
No is about time to change the host there are better ones some where else I am looking to see if they do the same with the judges is time to change it too we need new blood!!!!
I don’t even like this show, and I’m puzzled by this decision. I mainly know Tom Bergeron from his years on AFV, and Erin Andrew’s from ESPN. I hope they can find new jobs.
Someone must have decided that the clever and adult commentary doesn’t appeal to the under 30 group and so they’ll try to replace Tom and Erin with some young people. They’re going to lose at least half the fans and this will probably be the last season. The judges could be replaced more easily than Tom and Erin. What a shame.
I am shocked, but yet I’m not. I have already heard that Michael Strahan is a strong contender. His personality would not be right for DWTS. I think Alfonso Rivera would be able awesome choice. I know he hosts AFV, but I think Tom Bergeron did both shows for awhile. I have never cared for Erin Andrew’s as a co-host. Nice woman, she just wasnt good for that show.
I don’t know many people who will watch without Tom and Erin, Certainly, I won’t. Although the way the show has been going the last few seasons with contestants who should not have won, I’m not surprised. They’re probably leaving a sinking ship. Best of luck to both of them. They made the show a class act.
This is the end of Dwts
The most significant part of the show was the hosts’ Tom and Erin. They were the foundation, and then adding the variable dynamics of personalities of the contestants makes them more critical. The chemistry of the three judges (not a fan of the four judges) was excellent both with Tom and Erin and together. The creative challenges are always there, but changing out the hosts may be the beginning of the end of the show.
I still can’t believe that Tom and Erin were both fired from the show. I still can’t wait to learn who will replace Tom and Erin next season
Spoiler alert.They chose Tyra Banks.
Will not be watching. They were a great team hosting.