Deadwood aired three seasons on HBO before the series was cancelled abruptly by the network. The cast and crew thought a fourth season was in the works after the season three finale aired, but the series was cancelled during the break.
Kim Dickens starred on the HBO series, and she now stars on Fear the Walking Dead on AMC. A film for Deadwood has been talked about since the series ended, and Kim Dickens confirmed the rumors.
According to Digital Spy, she said:
“I did hear all those rumours and then I heard that yeah, those rumors were actual real discussions that were happening. No-one’s approached me and there’s nothing set in stone, so I don’t know, but it looks like it’s something that everyone intends to do. By everyone, I have no idea what everyone is going to do, but as far as HBO and David Milch, it was my understanding that it was their hope to do that.”
The actress also spoke about the abrupt cancellation of the series.
“I remember we finished season three and we were sort of all told that we were coming back for season four and then during the hiatus the plans changed, so we didn’t even really get to tie up the stories at the end of three because we thought we were all coming back. It was a real disturbance – it had a real passionate fan base.”
Dickens made it clear that she would gladly return to the role if a film was created to close out the series. Right now, she is busy filming season two of Fear the Walking Dead.
Were you a fan of Deadwood? Would you want to see a film clear up the loose ends from season three? Tell us what you think.
I was , and still am a fan of the show ! it had such a great cast , and all of the actors were great in it . It was one of the best written and acted movies I have ever seen . it was a disappointment when it just ended . I own the series on dvd , and have shown many friends the series , and all have said the same . I never really knew why it was cancelled , but it was a mistake . Id definitely watch more .
I would love to see this happen – series OR movie. I loved the series, and it needs to continue…
I loved Deadwood, and was livid when it was cancelled so abruptly, I have stayed a fan of all those involved in the show, and continue to watch their TV shows and films; and I would race out to see a film if they made one, as I own the entire series on DVD!
I also loved Deadwood. If not another season then a tie up movie. I would go to the show and pay rip off prices to see it.
Deadwood was my favorite show on HBO