This new dramatic TV show from USA Network revolves around different people having a single dream. The network execs and the show’s cast and crew may also share one dream — that their Falling Water TV show will become a hit in the ratings. Will Falling Water be a success and be renewed for a second season or, will it be cancelled instead? Stay tuned.
Falling Water is the story of three unrelated people who realize that they are dreaming separate parts of a single common dream. Each is on a quest for something that can only be found in their subconscious but, the more they use the dream world, the more they realize that their visions are trying to tell them that their real lives are at stake. The USA Network series stars David Ajala, Lizzie Brocheré, Will Yun Lee, Kai Lennox, Anna Wood, and Zak Orth.
The ratings are typically the best indication of a show’s chances of staying on the air. The higher the ratings, the better the chances for survival. This chart will be updated as new ratings data becomes available.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated chart, please try reloading the page or view it here.
Note: These ratings are collected by the Nielsen company and are the final national numbers. These are different from the fast affiliate numbers which are just estimates of the actual ratings and are reported on by most other outlets. The final nationals are typically released within 24 hours of the programming or, in the case of weekends and holidays, a couple days later.
What do you think? Do you like the Falling Water TV series? Do you think that it should be cancelled or renewed for a second season?
Excellent show, keep the seasons coming!
i love this series please renew
The ratings are awful, but USA just renewed this. I’m stunned. This should mean that Colony should be renewed ASAP. How disgusting that failing shows keep being renewed? People think that our government is a mess. Our TV Networks may be just as bad or worse. Or much worse.
Shame on the creators for making a fascinating topic so slow and boring.
I don’t know why they haven’t Cancelled this show yet. They just seem to be sitting around. That’s good for the fans, but the ratings are awful.
I do want to see season 2. This show has something really different and new. Please, renew !
I love this show!
What a refreshing idea, so much on tv is rehashed ideas and concepts. This is truly an original.
Please seriously consider it for s new season.
I’d love to see what the future holds for these characters.
I’m a a constant fan of all that is new and original.
I’ve been watching The Walking Dead ,American Horror Story and the Americans since their very first episodes and I feel this show has real potential.
Hope you get a chance to prove me right again!
Very very classy smart show, really pulls me in with sympathetic relationship-oriented characters, exceptionally intelligent dialogue, beautiful cinematography, deep psychological plotting, and awesome cultural references from art to philosophy (i get the obscure ones too, including Dr. Caligari and upstate NY’s burned over district). I’m so relieved that the show was *not* as horror shock oriented as the pilot, crafted to no doubt catch attention. The only thing missing that the writers needed to showcase is real dream interpreting – how can you have a series about dreams with minimal symbolism and not once does anybody talk about it? Symbolic… Read more »
Please renew this mindbender! It will gain an audience if it keeps up the quality. We love it!!
Please renew! I love this show!
Jodi Long is one of my favorite actresses. Watched this show to see her. Found it interesting. If season 2 hits, I hope Jodi’s character gets more action.