It’s being reported by Dateline that USA Network has renewed their original drama, In Plain Sight, for two more seasons.
The new deal will take the cable show through its fifth season and the main cast, including Mary McCormack, Frederick Weller and Paul Ben-Victor, are all set to return.
Seasons one and two were comprised of 12 and 15 installments respectively. Year three was supposed to have 16 episodes but was cut short to 13. The early wrap reportedly happened because showrunner and executive producer John McNamara had to take a leave of absence for medical reasons.
It’s unknown at this point how many episodes USA has ordered for seasons four and five or, if the show will wrap its run after that. An official announcement has not been released.
What do you think? Are you glad to hear In Plain Sight is coming back for not one but two more seasons? Should it end after that or continue to season six?
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Image courtesy USA.
I love this show and a lot of kids like me do I hope this show is like the Simpsons 24 seasons and still going
I was shocked when I heard that IPS might not be back. We need more shows with this kind of cast personality blending. They all work off each other. I am happy about this continuation.
I ope they bring it back for more seasons! good show!
I think iit is great and I hope thy continue for much longer.
We need more IPS. The actors are great and we need more great stories. Keep it ont he air.
so happy – we love love love the show
I LOVE “IPS” and want to see more of it!! Mary’s hot-headed irreverence complements Marshall’s cool intellectual sensitivety. So, if it must end…would you PLEASE put Marshall and Mary together and give us a really kick-butt finale?? They make such a cool couple. thanks!
We need a sixth season, please, or more!
This is not happening, when a woman gets pg on the show, and it’s all of a sudden cancelled, reconsider bringing it back for 2012, it’s not to late, at least try for all of us fans. It’s a really good show, don’t cancel, let the actors continue, don’t throw them out of work.
I think this show is great and is only getting better. Another 8 episodes is not enough. Please comeout with a season 8 with 13 episodes.
like show glad to see it renewed
Love this show! Do not cancel it!
It is now the later part of November; why isn’t the show on now?
LK » The series usually runs during the spring and summer. The show’s final season of eight episodes is coming in 2012.
love the show! cant wait for the return!
i love this show. i hope it continues for many more seasons.