Long-running syndicated court show Judge Alex has been cancelled. The cancellation was confirmed by Stephen Brown, executive VP of programming and development for the Fox Television Stations.
“We would like to thank Alex Ferrer as well as executive producer Kathy Sapp and the entire staff for producing a strong daytime court program,” said Brown in a statement. “Alex’s extensive police, legal and judicial experience combined with his great sense of humor made for compelling daytime television for nearly 10 years.”
Judge Alex debuted on September 12, 2005 and features cases that are presided over by Judge Alex E. Ferrer, a former police officer, lawyer, and Florida judge.
The series is the lowest-rated of the five remaining court shows and will continue airing original episodes through August.
In a statement on his Facebook page, Ferrer said, “It was not my decision to end the show. I enjoyed doing the show and would keep doing it but, for many reasons, the company that produces the show wanted to move on. I am grateful that I was able to work with really amazing people like my EP Kathy Sapp and Associate EP’s Tera Roberson and James Glover; Directors Eddie October, Michael Dimitch and Art Bergel; Bailiffs Mason Burroughs & Victor Simon, my makeup, hair and wardrobe help that changed me from hideous to tolerable; incredible producers and associate producers who found great cases for me to try and so many others in our 100 person staff and crew who made the show a success. I’m also grateful to have so many great fans and friends, many of whom I got to meet; and I’m sure that I’ll still get to meet more of you at other events.”
He also hinted that he may return to television at some point in the future.
What do you think? Did you like Judge Alex? Are you sorry that it’s been cancelled?
I love all the court shows, and then I realized where is Judge Alex? I love him! I forgot or didn’t realize that he was on the Fox network. I believe Fox made a big mistake, and I really hope Judge Alex appears again on Fox or somewhere else. Judge Alex is too hot AND a man of integrity to let go!!!
Awww…i. sorry Judge Alex was canceled. I DVR his show everyday. I hope he returns to TV soon.
I realy like show I hope they change their mind and bring him
Bring them back
I always included judge Alex in my line up of shows worth watching. Judge Judy, Mathis & other no-name newer judges are just not as fun. The 1st 2 really bother me, but I’m not going to express my opinions on them since other people’s opinions are there own. Unfortunately the people’s court is now off my list because she is using ” her robe ” as an excuse to disrespect the litigants. Where she can call names like you’re stupid, a liar, an idiot, & so many more. But if anyone should say those words to her you might… Read more »
I can’t believe a good show like Judge Alex was canceled. Please bring it back.
I loved to watch Judge Alex. He sees through lies and understands sinserity.His sense of humor with quick wit made the show fun to watch. I am sorry that Judge Judy os still on the air. They can can her anytime.
It’s been months and I am still missing Judge Alex. He is one of the few who remained objective in all situations . He told it like it was and did not continuously interject his own opinions or call people liars because they mis-spoke. Hope to see him soon!
I love judge Alex! I think that the paternity court show and judge faith could go instead. Those 2 shows are a waste of air time. The only good court shows r judge Judy and the peoples court. Including judge Alex and those 2 shows the judges r no nonsense and compand respect and get it. I think it is a shame, maybe they should have changed his time slot. It gets really tiring watching women coming on TV and not knowing who their baby daddy is and giving dead bead men loans and not getting paid back. People should… Read more »
I am very disappointed that Judge Alex has been cancelled. It seems they always cancel the great show’s.
This new show that they now have on Judge Mablean really sucks!!!
I hope this show gets lousy ratings and they bring Judge Alex back.
Bring him back! Can’t believe the show was cancelled. Hope he comes back to TV sometime soon.
I am so sorry to see the show end. It came second to J. Judy to me. Hope he will come back soon.
I am sorry to find out the show was cancelled. Judge Alex and Judge Marilyn were my favorites.
I feel it was a VERY foolish move on the part of the syndication. Judge Judy is washed up in her 70’s without the patience and understanding Judge Alex Ferrer had/has. He should have replaced her.
I wish Judge Alex Ferrer continued success in his venues and hope to see him back on TV again. Its where he belongs, entertaining as well as informative.
I am sorry to here that the Judge Alex was canceled. It was the court show that I could stand to watch.
We are extremely disappointed that Judge Alex was canceled. I don’t understand ratings and how they are selected. The only court shows that are intelligent are The People’s Court and Judge Alex. You can cancel all of the others.
Loved the show