Long-running syndicated court show Judge Alex has been cancelled. The cancellation was confirmed by Stephen Brown, executive VP of programming and development for the Fox Television Stations.
“We would like to thank Alex Ferrer as well as executive producer Kathy Sapp and the entire staff for producing a strong daytime court program,” said Brown in a statement. “Alex’s extensive police, legal and judicial experience combined with his great sense of humor made for compelling daytime television for nearly 10 years.”
Judge Alex debuted on September 12, 2005 and features cases that are presided over by Judge Alex E. Ferrer, a former police officer, lawyer, and Florida judge.
The series is the lowest-rated of the five remaining court shows and will continue airing original episodes through August.
In a statement on his Facebook page, Ferrer said, “It was not my decision to end the show. I enjoyed doing the show and would keep doing it but, for many reasons, the company that produces the show wanted to move on. I am grateful that I was able to work with really amazing people like my EP Kathy Sapp and Associate EP’s Tera Roberson and James Glover; Directors Eddie October, Michael Dimitch and Art Bergel; Bailiffs Mason Burroughs & Victor Simon, my makeup, hair and wardrobe help that changed me from hideous to tolerable; incredible producers and associate producers who found great cases for me to try and so many others in our 100 person staff and crew who made the show a success. I’m also grateful to have so many great fans and friends, many of whom I got to meet; and I’m sure that I’ll still get to meet more of you at other events.”
He also hinted that he may return to television at some point in the future.
What do you think? Did you like Judge Alex? Are you sorry that it’s been cancelled?
I’m so sad it isn’t on anymore. I miss it!
Judge Alex was taken off because he was the best! We all know who has more power and money and couldn’t stand the competition, because he would have become number 1. That’s my opinion.
so disappointed that judge alex was cancelled. he is so unlike judge judy in where he sympathizes and shows compassion to plaintiffs and defendants, yet he remains fair in his judgments. i appreciated his sense of humor as many law enforcement officials are like a stick in the mud. if ever i would sit in front of a judge, i would feel at ease with one who has the same demeanor as judge alex.
Judge Alex was one of my favorite ‘judge’ shows, along with Judge Judy. Judge Alex’s sense if humor was indigenous to this particular judge show and I found profoundly attractive. I recorded his show and so enjoyed seeing him in action. With the exception of ‘Judy’, the other judge shows are stupid, low grade and the yelling prevails: I can’t stand watching them. Perhaps his show was too adult to be captivate the masses, ie: Jerry Springer UGH!
PLEASE bring him back. Everyone I know liked his show.
Judge Alex was one of the best shows. I read that it was because of ratings. I believe it was the time slot.
I LOVED the Judge Alex show! I am retired and started watching his show, guess after he was cancelled. He is the best one. He is respectful, has a great sense of humor and knows the law. I hope he returns to tv soon.
Judge Alex was one of mine and my husband’s favorite Judge Shows. So disappointed that his show was cancelled!.☹
Bring him back please!
So sorry he’s gone. We really enjoyed his show. He was the best judge on TV. He was fair in all cases. There was some degree of fun esp. with some of the people that came and I don’t know how he could keep a straight face in a few cases but he did. We need to bring him back!! He really listened to the litigants and had a lot of patience with a lot of them unlike Judge Judy or Judge Mathis. Maybe he could come back on another channel. My best to Judge Alex and his family!
So unhappy Judge Alex is gone, my favorite shows are the Judge shows wish they would make a judge channel for those of us that enjoy them
We watched Judge Alex everyday! In fact we even recorded it on days we were not at home. Both my husband and I felt he was the best court show on tv. We appreciated his attentiveness & fairness in every case. We love the fact that he kept his cool most all the time. His mannerism is acceptional! AS WELL. We are terribly disappointed that he is no longer on the air!!!!!!! WE APPRECIATE that he always had a descent respectful show using no cuss words & reprimanding anyone saying anything unexceptable in his court room. BRING BACK JUDGE ALEX!!!… Read more »
I went to watch Judge Alex this morning and was shocked it was no longer on. He was one of my favs in the morning. He should really be put back on.
The show should have not been cancelled and I was sad to have learned this. I believe Judge Alex to be a better coirt tv show then some of the other court shows still on air today.
They should really bring back Judge Alex. It was a mistake to cancel a court show with such an interesting, humorous, smart and such a patient judge. It was such a nice change from the regular court shows. The court shows are not the same without him. He is such a COMPLEMENT to the other court shows!! We need to BRING BACK JUDGE ALEX !!!!!!!!
I am retired and spend too much time watching television. I watch all the courtroom shows. His show is the only one that comes close to The People’s Court with Judge Marilyn. Both are informative and entertaining.
JudgeAlex was an excellent show! So sorry the show was cancelled. All the best to Judge Alex and his family!
They should have kept Judge Alex and cancelled Jerry Springer or judge Hatchett