Though things were looking good for a second season of CBS’ vampire show, Moonlight has been cancelled. The show has loyal followers, the ratings were decent, and the series often won its timeslot. What happened?
Essentially Moonlight has been cut for a number of reasons. The rest of the network’s schedule is quite strong in the ratings and it certainly makes no sense to cancel one of the stronger series. If Moonlight were on the ratings-challenged CW, it certainly would have been renewed.
Like Jericho last season, Moonlight has a devout but small audience. Unfortunately, CBS’ decision to resurrect Jericho didn’t work out so well for them. Though many campaigned to get Jericho renewed, fewer people tuned in. CBS likely feels a bit burned by that experience and is reluctant to go down that road again.
The cancellation also stems from the fact that CBS is feeling very confident about their new batch of drama pilots. They’ve given a greenlight for four new dramas this fall and there just wasn’t any room left on the schedule for Moonlight. They know that Moonlight’s audience is unlikely to grow very much and would rather take a chance on a new show.
There’s been much upheaval behind-the-scenes and it’s been reported that the network hasn’t been impressed with the show’s creative development. The ratings were also usually lower than both its lead-in (Ghost Whisperer) and lead-out (Numb3rs).
CBS has given the okay for another season of The Unit. With the network’s full schedule, the drama will likely end up being bumped from Tuesdays and end up on Fridays in Moonlight’s old slot.
Moonlight’s series finale is set to air this Friday, May 16th. Stay tuned!
A lot of people really miss this show and CBS realized all too late that they made a mistake. Right after they canceled this wonderful show, Twilight and True Blood made vampires all the rage! Network TV is a joke.
Really miss this show. Watched it again for the first time in years, and it has withstood the test of time. CBS should have given it another season, but after hearing that they fired the creative team and were pulling away from the Mick/Beth focus, perhaps its better that it ended when it did. Though I find it incredible that they thought 7+ million viewers (especially on a Friday night slot) were poor ratings. Personally, I hate the Nielsen rating system. The idea that a single viewer represents hundreds of others is ridiculous. I recently got asked to become a… Read more »
moonlight back plz
Moonlight was my favorite show me and my whole family loved watching it plzzzz put moonlight back on the air make more season
I absolutely loved moonlight, it was fantastic, tha whole cast an story was great.,one of my all time favarite shows,I was as wer many, looking forward to a 2nd season, an sooooooo disappointed a pen pusher at CBS, fudged it for evry one,, wot a big mistake, I’m stil wotching it ,season 1 one, with my kids now ther old enough to love it, an enjoying it as much as 1st time around, Mick & Beth,,will never be forgoten, cbs it’s not too late to make loyal fans happy.
I loved this show. If it is unable to be brought back onto television, at least put in on Netflix! !
I totally agree…I just watched all of the episodes again and they are still great! Great story, and would fit in perfectly with an extremely popular genre. Pleas try to bring it back….
this is one of the best shows ever, i can’t believe they wouldn’t take a chance and give it another season. It takes more than one season to make a show. Look at Star Trek. Mega millions made out of a cheesy show (although it was brilliant. The chemistry between the two main characters was electric also. Such a shame.
moonlight is a great show and i believe it should have never been canceled… it needs to be brought back out and if it is ended then at least give it a ending not a begining to a whole new story line… the best shows are always the ones to be canceled while the dumb ones stay on the air…
2016 and people are still screaming for a moonlight reeboot
I want to know who sent the list of vampires to Ben and what he is going to do about them.
Even though it stopped like 10 years ago you still have loyal followers. And i know i would never miss an episode if it came back.
Please we want the moonlight vampire series back pplleeaassee
BRING MOONLIGHT BACK!!!!!!!! Its the best show I’ve ever seen
Bring it back!!