Nashville will air an all-new episode on ABC later tonight, but fans know the end is near. The network cancelled the series last week, but there is still hope. With the people behind the series actively looking for a new home, it is possible that the series could return for a fifth season.
However, Connie Britton has already shared a message with her fans about the cancellation of the series on social media. She shared the following message after the news broke, according to TV Line:
“To the amazing friends and family who are Nashville, to the cast and crew, and most of all to the fans…I’d just like to say it’s been my honor to be a part of this world, to live in it and breathe it in and try to replicate it. Sometimes we were more successful than others. But the place of Nashville in my heart is deep and permanent. I am grateful for the hard work and faith of so many who dedicated themselves to creating and supporting this show. And I am forever changed for the better. Thanks for the music.”
According to TV Guide, the actress also spoke about the cancellation of the series on a talk show appearance earlier this week. Nashville has been a big part of her life. She has raised her adopted son there since 2011. She said the following:
“I’ll talk to my Nashville friends, and they’re all devastated. It’s a real bummer also for the town too. I’m going to miss those people so much. I’m so upset, then I talk to my friends in L.A., and they’re like, ‘We’re so happy you’re coming home.’ So I’m just like, I don’t know what I feel! [My son is] 5, and we’ve been doing the show there for four years, so it’s a big deal. It’s over. The end of an era. I think he’s going to just ditch me now because he’s like, ‘I’m staying in Nashville now. These people are cool. I’m learning how to play the drums. See you later.'”
The finale for the series will air next Wednesday night. Do you want another network to come in and save Nashville from the grim reaper? Tell us what you think.
Definitely must keep Nashville on, best show and music on abc. Please reconsider, you,re going to have a lot of unhappy people.
I was shocked to hear that Nashville was signing off after tonight. I love the show and look forward to it every week. More and more good, solid shows are ending leaving only ridiculous shows for the under 21 demographic. I don’t think that’s fair. We older demographic buy just as many products as the young. Why not get advertisers who make products for over 49? Wouldn’t that make more sense?
This is one of my favorite shows ever, I can’t believe they are ending it- I DVR it every week! I am really sad about this- I think it is a stupid decision on the networks part! Someone needs to pick it up.
Heck yes!! This is one of the best shows ABC has done. For me, I’ve been to Nashville and can relate to a lot of this. Keep it coming, please
I love Nashville – great story line and music. Everyone I know watches it. Hope ABC has a change of heart!
Definitely!!!! It is a great show-only show I make sure I am home to watch every week!!
Save Nashville! It’s a great show with great music and great people! I don’t want to see it end!!
I speak for a bunch of friends and family down here in New Zealand, we are really sad to hear it is finishing. I’d love to see another network pick it up.
This is my favorite show. Not ready to say goodbye
Nashville is one of the best shows on TV. Great music and a really good story line. I can think of 1/2 dozen other show that should be cancelled,,,,pointless storylines, and they need canned laughter – absurd!
I actually understand that running a network requires you to ensure that it makes money, however it makes me not want to watch any ABC show again because after three seasons they couldn’t even make up their minds soon enough to make even a slight attempt at wrapping up the story lines that were being played out. Bad move ABC. you should’ve bitten the bullet and at least allowed the show to have one more season out of loyalty to its fans. I’m done with ABC. I will never allow myself to become invested in another one of their shows… Read more »
They did the same thing with the wonderful NBC series Smash. Everytime I get into something, they decide not to continue it. But Nashville is my most favorite series ever! #BringBackNashville
I’m shocked and devestated; Nashville is my favor show! Please bring it back!
I can’t believe my favorite show has been cancelled. What are the ABC executives thinking??
I am not usually a fan of country music, but look forward every week to the series. It is the ONLY TV series I watch…Please don’t cancel…hopefully another network will pick it up and PROFIT!
I am devastated that we have only one more episode. I don’t watch a lot of network TV but Nashvilee is so entertaining if I miss a show I immediately watch it the next day On Demand.
Please try to save this !’