Person of Interest will return to CBS at midseason, and there are hints that this could be the final season of the popular series. CBS only ordered 13 episodes for season five, and it is possible that the network could pick up the series for another year after those episodes, but the cast is prepared for it to be the end.
Michael Emerson told Collider in an interview shared back in September that “it feels like [the cast] is coming to the end of something.”
TV Line reported on the addition of Josh Close from Fargo as a recurring member of the cast for the series on Monday, and the report shared new comments made by Kevin Chapman about the season, and if it is the end – the series is going out with a big finish.
“I honestly can say that Season 5 is the best season we’ve ever had. The action, the performances, the subject matter…. Everything. They’ve really gone above and beyond.”
Do you want a season six of Person of Interest? Check out a tongue-in-cheek teaser trailer for season five below. Tell us what you think.
Please , Please , don’t cancel!
Best Show ever please don’t cancel
The show is awesome ! Hope Sameen returns. Do not cancel!!!
Please don’t cancel the show. I love this show and would like to see it through.
This has been my favorite show since it first started. I am very disappointed in the delay of the new season and the fact that it is a short season. It will be a shame if they do the same thing they did with another show I liked The Mentalist Just spending less time watching CBS
I can’t wait for season 6. These writers are awesome!!!!!
It is my wife and mine top show on the DVR each week. Come on.
How can anybody justify cancellation of such an outstanding/intelligent, gripping/cleverly-written/never-a-dull-moment show, which every season has done one thing….gotten B-E-T-T-E-R?!
best show ever please don’t cancel it please
Please don’t cancel…….
Best show ever. The only show I watch on cbs big mistake to take away its up there with blacklist
Just when you start to get into it they always want to take something good off the air great show well done guys
CBS – please don’t cancel PoI
This is such a great show, meant for adults who can think & follow what is going on from week to week. Most of the stuff on now is such garbage. Don’t we deserve a good show to counter-act the other crap on now?
I never watch regular tv. I love POI!! Please keep it going. Lots of storyline left to explore. Please let the good guys win.