(Monty Brinton / CBS)
CBS has cancelled its Scorpion TV show after four seasons. The season, which began with a musical episode, weill be this series’ swan song.
A CBS action drama, Scorpion stars Elyes Gabel, Katharine McPhee, Eddie Kay Thomas, Jadyn Wong, Ari Stidham, Robert Patrick, Riley B. Smith, Andy Buckley, Jamie McShane, Joshua Leonard, Dan Dratch, and Scott Porter. Inspired by a real-life computer expert, the series centers on Walter O’Brien (Gabel) and his team of brilliant misfits. Team Scorpion is the country’s last line of defense against lurking high-tech threats.
Scorpion: A Look at the Ratings
The fourth season of Scorpion is averaging a 0.81 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 5.26 million viewers. Compared to season three, that’s down by about 32% and down by 27%, respectively. By both measures, Scorpion is consistently among the lowest rated scripted CBS TV shows.
All told, today CBS cancelled two TV shows: Superior Donuts and Scorpion. The network also renewed five series: Criminal Minds (season 14); Man With a Plan (season three); Life in Pieces (season four); Instinct (season two); and Big Brother: Celebrity Edition (season two).
UPDATE: CBS has cancelled Kevin Can Wait and has renewed Elementary for season seven.
Deadline has confirmed the Scorpion cancellation.
What do you think? Did you think CBS would cancel or renew Scorpion for season five? Now that it’s over, did it end at the right time, or should the network have given it another season to wrap up? Sound off, in the comments.
My husband and I really enjoyed Scorpion. It should air, at least, one more season to wrap up the story line.
please bring back scorpian a great program
i really miss the TV series scorpion — sure hope it comes back. one the best tv programs!!
One more season of Scorpion. One more season of scorpion. Bring back one more season…it was a great show.
I Belive you should renew scorpion for a 5th season because, thous that watch the show need to see what happens to happy and Toby in regards to being parents, and page and Walter need to reconcile, and I enjoy watching the show very much. I have actually watch the show all the way threw 3 times. So I beg you. Please please please give us another season. Thank you for listening.
The creators were running out of ideas but the last episode of season 4 was a cliffhanger, not an ending. They can’t just end it like that. Maybe it didn’t need a fifth season but in that case they should have made a good ending to season 4.
Teníamos que saber si Hapy se embarazo, porque cortaron de tajo esa gran serie. Que regrese
I think it stinks that Scorion was cancelled. It was one of the fun one on the air. They should have aired a finalle. PLEASE BRING IT BACK!!!
I think it was a great show and am saddened that it was cancelled. Please bring them back. You did that with a lot of shows that people enjoyed It is not fair.
I have genuine tears streaming down my face after watching the finale and then reading they have cancelled. THIS IS NOT HOW YOU END SCORPION!!!!! Happy and toby need to adopt their little genuis, walter and paige need to be together get married maybe give ralph a little brother or sister to teach and love. The whole of scorpion NEEDS to get back together **** the centipede ******** and That blonde motherfucker needs to take a very long walk off a very short cliff she ruined walter and paige and caused that argument between walter and sly. I dont care… Read more »
We need another finale, this is not the way to end Scorpion!!
This is not the way to end Scorpion! My sisters and I looked forward to watching this great show every week. I’m devestated it was cancelled. You have to bring it back so we know how everybody’s life goes….it was like watching part of my family. Please reconsider….it is a fantastic show.
We keep waiting for Scorpion’s first show. Our one show my husband and I made a point of watching. Now it is cancelled????? No!!!!!!! I like the show so much! Please reconsider! I am so tired of reality shows, I don’t ever watch them. This show had actors with dialogue. PLEASE bring back Scorpion!
I was hoping the show was starting later in season. Now see cancelled. My mom and I would watch this show, really enjoyed. It was entertaining without the sex, violence, real tV or whatever it is called. Maybe you should check how many people are canceling their satellite television, cable television and going to Netflix, amazon prime, Roku, etc rather then watching most of the junk that is on television now. I don’t want to watch hours of competitions “the Voice”, or whatever all those shows are. How many people have just quit watching all together?
I enjoyed this show but the story lines were getting monotonous. I liked the characters on the show but I believe the writers needed to use more imagination. My least favorite episode was the “musical” . It seemed like the writers had run out of ideas and were really reaching…
This needs at least another season to finish it off. You can’t just leave it there, with everything up in the air. Please just do one more as with the new characters everyone needs to find their happy place to finish off. Besides it was nice to have something that was interesting that I could watch with the rest of the family.
This was something we could watch as a family. We had been watching since the beginning. LOVE this show. I do not think it was time to end the show. needed a few more seasons. With the new characters coming on it was taking a new twist.
Gutted, one of our favourite shows to watch, been with it from the beginning, had few more seasons definitely, especially with some new characters this season, was becoming humorous too. CBS bring it back!!!!