Castle will return to ABC on February 1, but the series is surrounded by buzz at this time. Both the ABC powers that be and the men in charge of the current season of the series are wondering what will happen next on the series. Will a ninth season happen?
TV Series Finale reported yesterday that Paul Lee, ABC President, is willing to spin-off Castle if the stars of the series, Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic, left the series.
According to Deadline, Alexi Hawley spoke about the future of the series at a TCA’s party on Saturday night. He said:
“This season was a little bit of a transition, getting Castle into the PI office and setting that world up for him to give him that drive. We wanted to wrap up a lot of the threads of different conspiracies, Beckett’s mother’s murder, Castle’s missing time. We wanted by the end of Season 8 to have gotten through all those — hopefully in a compelling and satisfying way — so Season 9 can be more about the case of the week, going back to the fun of solving the case of the week and not have the luggage of past conspiracies.”
Hawley would like the series to continue with the same cast, but he made it clear that the writers need to know what the future of the series so that they can plan the final episodes of this season, Episodes 21 and 22.
He said:
“Last year (creator) Andrew Marlowe wrote the finale not knowing if they would come back, and this year we knew we could possibly do the same thing — have a nice conclusion and still set up something we can launch into if there is a season 9. I think going out with a cliffhanger of sorts always helps you when you come back.”
In addition to the planning for season nine, Hawley revealed that all the currently open storylines on the series right now will be closed out by the end of this season eight. That would allow season nine to go back to the “case of the week” format.
Are you a fan of Castle? Is time for the series to end, or do you want to see more? Tell us what you think.
Castle ratings wise is dead in the water. The crap that is being written is just plain bad. The show is not even what it was last season.
The last episode dead red has castle and Beckett on screen together for less than eight minutes and in verbal or physical connection for a few seconds. If they want to know why no one watches, there’s the number one answer. We still don’t know if Rita and Vikraare good or bad but Kate confides in both and leaves Castle in the cold.
We so enjoy Castle and we hope the show will not be cancelled. We set here at night watching re-runs. Please keep the show going, PLEASE KEEP THE SHOW GOING.
Best all ’round show to hit the air waves in a long time, though I must admit, the episodes of the ‘missing’ Castle did nothing to enhance the overall program.
Much prefer the week to week crime solving episodes. Really hope the show is renewed for season nine .
If the writers will get their heads out of the sand & write stories that make sense, I’d LOVE to have a season 9 & 10 &…. SOO glad they’re getting Castle & Beckett back together! That made NO sense! The explanation of Castle’s missing time made no sense & DID NOT add anything to the show : (
Please let there be a 9 season
I look forward to seeing the tv show and I would like for it to clear up the mysteries and start to work on cases again. I liked working on the cases!! I don’t want it to end. I enjoy his mother and daughter on the program (Castle,Alexis, and Mom), I loved the old castle and the way they all got together Kate and Castle together, the two working under Kateand his daughter and his mom!!
.Thank you,
a regular viewer
Castle isn’t fun any more. I don’t care about Castle’s lost time. I’d like to see you get rid of Beckett’s partner. If he is Stana Katic’s husband, that might be difficult. Turn him into a friendly consultant who is secretly an agent of the CIA! The Englishwoman ( or, whatever she is) is arrogant. I still don’t understand how she connected to anyone. She is interesting, however; she acts entitled. I see no reason why, and, it annoys me! The PI agency- not enough Castle, too much Alexis. I think that most fans miss seeing Castle, Beckett, the boys,… Read more »
Thank you for writing your opinions. They are interesting. However, I thought that season 8’s XY and XX were great thrillers — the stuff that good crime dramas and novels are made of. Since Castle didn’t know the real reason for the breakup, his attempts to “win her back” in episodes 08-03 through 08-07 were merely annoyances and interruptions to Beckett’s investigations. In episode 08-08, “Mr and Mrs Castle,” Castle discovers the real reasons for the breakup and angrily expresses them to Beckett. I agree with you that frustration over lack of resolution of the LokSat issue strains our attention.… Read more »
Ending a series with a cliffhanger is the most pretentious and arrogant thing ever on TV, it’s even worse if it’s a long running series like Castle. They should end on a good note with a proper finale it if they are that worried.
Make season nine as the final season, please.
Plus people want Nathan Fillian to do other shows and he can’t as long as he’s doing Castle.
It was such a great show I really wanted to Kate and Rick to be married and solving cases together and Becket to be Captain of her precinct, they dragged out her mother’s murder way too long and this whole them being separated thing after only a year of marriage is just dumb we’ve waited so long them for them to be together and happy and the writers are going the completely wrong direction. Seasons 1 – 7 were so good I’d be happier with the Castle I fell in love with not this crap.
I love the show and hope the powers to be will not cancel one of th good shows
No one likes change and if it for nonsense reasons it is really hard to sell.We are all made to believe that LokSat is as smart as a brick and would never be able to figure Rick and Kate connection. So why did the LokSat hit man put that bag on spiders over Rick head? If they are able to figure out Ricks hate of spiders, the connection between R$ick and Kate would be child’s play.I’ve written to Mr. Paul Lee three and Mr Richard Mayfield once asking him about what I felt was a sexist comment Mr Hawley made… Read more »
Exactly! Their whole reasoning for breaking C&B up was to “keep things fresh” but having C&B together is what the fans want.. breaking them up to attract new viewers was just stupid Plus.. Beckett’s reasoning for leaving was to keep Castle safe.. I’m sure he felt REALLY safe with a bag of spiders on his head. Castle had it right..where she has to be obsessed with something.. why can’t she be obsessed with their marriage?
I would love to see a season nine, but I feel the new front runners/writers have blown that chance. After 6 years of waiting for C&B to get together, the last thing the viewers wanted to see was them to separate. They also have to let Beckett’s Mothers Murder go.. that story was dragged out way to long. I like the idea of going back to the “Case of the Week”, and they can make C&B married while solving cases work.
Bring back the Castle that we all fell in love with, and you’ll have 9 or more seasons