(Disney Channel/Mitch Haaseth)
In the wake of Friday’s Girl Meets World TV series finale, creator Michael Jacobs talked about the cancelled Disney Channel show and his plans for season four. A Boy Meets World spin-off, Girl Meets World stars Rowan Blanchard, Sabrina Carpenter, Ben Savage, Peyton Meyer, August Maturo, Danielle Fishel, and Corey Fogelmanis.
Jacobs told Deadline, “The fourth season was going to be about dealing with change and loss and learning something from it as we have from all of our episodes.” Since Topanga (Fishel) chose not to move the family to London, the theme of loss sounds as though the characters might have had to endure a death.
When Shawn (Rider Strong) decided to adopt Maya (Carpenter), Alan Turner (Anthony Tyler Quinn) revealed he regrets not adopting Shawn, back in the day. Jacobs told TV Line that was never going to happen. Here’s more:
“To create closure in any circumstance, you have to be certain that it’s what the audience wants and it’s the right thing to do,” Jacobs explains. “If Shawn was adopted by Turner — remember, the Matthews also wanted to adopt him — that would have been a betrayal of his father. Chet Hunter was such an interesting character, and Shawn’s chasing after his father was so remarkable. I wanted to sustain it. There was something instinctive in me that said, ‘Being adopted was not his happiness.’ Just like there was something in me that said, ‘Maya Hart is the beginning of Shawn’s happiness.’ She attracted Shawn to the idea that he could be a father and a husband someday. That’s why we wrote the Turner line. You think your closure is going to come from one place, but no.”
Jacobs adds that he “didn’t want anything to change in the end,” which is why — surprise! — Topanga decided to turn down the job and keep her family in New York. (Fun fact: Corey Fogelmanis tells TVLine, “It would be really dramatic, but I kind of wanted the Matthews to actually move away. But I’m really happy with this ending, too.”)
Although Netflix has reportedly passed on picking up a fourth season of Girl Meets World, Jacobs remains optimistic. He told Deadline:
“I’m making an attempt to find a home for an evolution of the franchise,” he said. “The last thing we want to do is overstay our welcome when we have always been so warmly received. But the idea I have to continue is a good one. If somebody moves on it immediately, great. If not, it’s been on the air going on 25 years. Lots of lessons learned.”
What do you think? Will you miss the Girl Meets World TV show? What did you think of the TV series finale? Do you think Disney Channel should have renewed it for season four?
I think Disney renew it for a forth season. This show bought me alot of happiness and laughter. I laughed I cried I was excited the way the finale of season3 ended.
This wonderful show should be continued. TV needs shows like this. Wonderfully acted. Good lessons written in the scripts.
i am 51 years old and a advant disney fanantic! but you took away the most rich and the only show with substance! i use to look forward to coming home on fridays to watch Girl Meets World and learn something new..I loved Boy Meets World and all the lessons it had to offer all age groups! My favorite episode is when Topanga and Corey got married ..in girl meets world : bully episodes, the changes when they went to high school and most importantly the friendships and what pulls them through each situation! Shame on Disney for only focusing… Read more »
Couldn’t agree more. Disney seems to get rid of all of their good shows and keep the ones with no plot or message. Hopefully someone else will pick up Girl Meets World and Disney will see what they are missing
Was it cancelled or not?
Please retract the statement that Netflix is not going to pick up the show. According to the shows creators, it has not been denied by anyone yet. The creator of the Girl Meets World fan page on Facebook has personal connections to the writers and staff whom have confirmed this with her.
Thank you
If you have a source where the creator or writers directly say that Netflix hasn’t declined it yet, please post it here and we’ll take a look. I haven’t been able to find one.