Get ready for the return of The Green Hornet. The ABC series aired during the 1960s, and it featured Bruce Lee as Kato. Paramount is now looking to relaunch the superhero franchise with a new film.
Deadline reported that Gavin O’Connor will direct the new film. The plan is to create a new “edgy protagonist” to relaunch the franchise. Seth Rogen starred in the last attempt to launch a new film franchise.
O’Connor said the following about the project:
“I’ve been wanting to make this movie — and create this franchise — since I’ve wanted to make movies. As a kid, when most of my friends were into Superman and Batman, there was only one superhero who held my interest — The Green Hornet. I always thought he was the baddest badass because he had no superpowers. The Green Hornet was a human superhero. And he didn’t wear a clown costume. And he was a criminal — in the eyes of the law — and in the eyes of the criminal world. So all this felt real to me. Imagine climbing to the top of the Himalayas, or Mount Everest, or K2 over and over again and no one ever knew? You can never tell anybody. That’s the life of Britt and Kato. What they do, they can never say. They don’t take credit for anything.”
Are you excited to see the return of The Green Hornet? Tell us what you think.
I’m impressed someone wants to make a good film from this character. I wish all involved the best of luck. I’ve been reading some old Green Hornet comics online. They are more entertaining than I was expecting.