The hunt for a house gets sped up in a super way in House in a Hurry. The new HGTV series will show families search for a house in a 72 hour period due to a circumstance in their own lives.
The new series is set to arrive on Sunday, March 22, at 9 p.m. ET/PT. HGTV revealed the following about the premiere episode in a press statement:
“In the premiere episode, a family is relocating from Raleigh to Charlotte, North Carolina, for the husband’s job and needs to quickly find a new home before their teenager starts high school. With their desire to find a great house in a popular, eclectic neighborhood close to downtown, the couple will have their work cut out for them. Throughout the season, House in a Hurry will feature more families as they navigate the challenges of making important real estate decisions at hyper-speed – including buying in highly competitive markets where homes sell in hours. With a looming deadline, it’s more challenging to find properties that can check off the wish list and fit the budget.”
Jane Latman, president, HGTV, also spoke about the new series:
“House in a Hurry is house hunting on steroids. These families are under a serious time crunch to buy a home and sometimes things reach a breaking point – it’s a real roller coaster ride!”
What do you think? Will you check out House in a Hurry on HGTV later this month?
I really love this show. It’s more realistic about what real people have to go through. Please leave it on and renew it. Great show!!! This and Home Town, Fixer to fabulous, Flip or flop Las Vegas and others are so good too. I dislike Love it or list it. It drives me nuts. Keep the good shows.
Someone please shut that girl that says call her 100 times the hell up
I can’t stand that call her call her call her woman!! She sounded ridiculous and really stupid
Ok, I’m obviously in the minority based on the reviews I’ve read, but I literally stop what I’m doing when the “Call her” commercial comes on. I love it and I really think the woman has a presence on TV. If I were an agent, I’d be calling her.
I cringe when I hear her call her comment 50 times. Very annoying. Presence? Not.
House in a hurry commercial is so annoying that I won’t even bother to watch it! Get a new commercial
I will never be able to watch it because of that commercial. Take it down HGTV! Its terrible.
Ok so I am watching Season 1 episode 6 with the couple in Tampa, and the wife is truly annoying to me and bit crabby, not fond of watching rude people on here!!
OMG she is awful! He should move to Florida without her!
The commercial is so terrible with call her a bunch of times makes me not to even bother watching this show.
Get a new commercial!
Omg I thought it was just me. It is super annoying with her demanding her husband to “call her” over and over. It’s seems kind of degrading to the poor guy, as if he didn’t hear her the first 5x. That commercial makes me not want to watch the show.
I agree so much , she makes me have anxiety.. I’m thinking she needs meds!!!
Because of the annoying woman I will no longer record the show. I have never seen anything so annoying on in the HGTV show. Whoever decided to show this commercial should be horsewhipped
I hate that commercial so bad! It makes me not want to watch the show!!!
The show is good but that is terrible!!!
I hate the commercial with the jar jar jar jar .what is that?
Got a little crazy going on up there!!!
I enjoy the show just fine but please change the commercial with the call her, call her call her. Please!
We get it. They’re in a hurry but that lady repeating 20 times a second “caller,caller,caller,caller,caller….” with her mouth open has to be the most irritating commercial on TV! I doubt I can stand to watch if that’s considered entertaining.
Totally agree! 100% annoying. Not to mention they play the commercial 20 times a day. Ugh.
how can I get a copy of this ad so I can send it to all my enemies?
More fake drama..
Hated this show I like to see the homes goes too fast can’t relax take time terrible idea.
Absolutely DO NOT need the realtor to walk through the house. We know which room the bedroom is.
I have a house that you would like to look at it is in poor shape We inherited the house we would like to remodel it I will send you a picture if you would like to look at it the address is 7700 cold cut off Pueblo Colorado
What if I have a condo to sell in a hurry? It is in Staten Island New York.