Last week, after the poor debut of FOX’s Lone Star, TV show creator Kyle Killen asked people to give the series a chance and hoped for a “stunning upset” in the ratings.
Sadly, that didn’t happen and the ratings for episode two dropped even lower. It was no surprise when FOX pulled Lone Star from the schedule and cancelled production.
Killen has had some time to reflect on the events of the past couple weeks and has written another post about Lone Star. He expresses gratitude for the chance to make the show and to the many viewers for their support. He also talks about the possibility of Lone Star moving to another channel but understands the chances are remote at best.
Here are some excerpts. You can read the whole post here.
So here’s the thing. We made a good show. Not Shakespeare. Not MASH. But something I was proud of. I can’t really speak to anyone else’s reaction, I can only be honest about my own. We assembled a staff, a cast, and a crew that I think was committed to telling interesting and thought provoking stories and who were excited about where we’d planned to head. And now it’s over. The part of me that feels awful that these people are now out of work wishes they’d done anything other than join this show. The part of me that’s so excited about what we did can’t thank them enough for signing on and making it happen.
As for the show’s future, if you read the news you know what I know. We’re actively looking at other homes for it, but those situations are rare. Imagine trying to just jam the engine from a Toyota in a Chevy and you get some idea how hard it is to take a show from one network to another. These things are custom jobs and what looks simple on the surface requires an incredible amount of engineering underneath. Whether we’ll pull something like that off is anyone’s guess. But we’re certainly trying.
Lastly, I literally don’t have the words to thank those of you who participated here and on twitter and facebook and, you know, the real world, in supporting the show. I’ve been in the habit of writing incredibly inane things in this space for some time and have to say that I was blindsided by the scale of the reaction to my last post. Of all the incredible and unexpected things to come out of this entire process, those last few days were perhaps the most incredible and certainly the least expected. I feel like we tried to get a write in candidate elected president together, and while we were completely and utterly destroyed when the votes were tallied, I’ve never felt such an odd and full connection to a group of people I’ve never met and likely never will. Given all that, ‘Thank you’ seems woefully insufficient to convey my gratitude. Perhaps I can just mow all your lawns for the hell of it.
What do you think? Do you agree with Killen? If you had your way, which channel would pick it up?
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Image courtesy FOX.
i really loved that show!
shame shame on american viewers that are really stupid country to watch jersey shore than lone star.
Watched the first show and we were really intrigued by the characters and plot. Finally a show that was interesting. Not stupid. It made us wonder where it would go. Most of what is on TV now is pretty predictable. Truly disappointed it was cancelled. Shocked actually.
I loved the show. I really liked the originality of it. I don’t understand how it would offend anybody. It’s like a soap opera. It’s entertainment, not reality. I think a cable channel should pick up the series. I would love to see what happens next in the show. I hope to see it on another channel.
What’s wrong with FOX? Lone Star was the best show I had seen in a long time. I had been telling everyone I knew they needed to watch it. I am so sorry for the great cast that had been put together–James Wolk especially! Why such a fast cancellation–after just two shows? Someone please explain how Lie to Me, which I have had a small degree of enjoyment watching, is not canceled and Lone Star is. House has even become a little tiresome–too many personality complications and not enough intrigue in the disease department, which is in part what the… Read more »
I will follow this show on whatever network it will end up. I really LIKED it!! I never write on blogs/petitions…. this is a first for me.
I enjoyed the show, I was waiting for this last night and thought my husband had erased from my DVR, was upset when i checked. This is the only show i can watch by myself…please reconsider and give it a chance…I love James, I saw him on a Hallmark movie and fell in love
I loved Lone Star right after the pilot. It has a great story line and my husband and I really, really liked watching together. FOX has a screw loose to let this slip away. I don’t care who picks it up, I just want to see this series continue.
I thought this show was great. Canceling after two episodes is an act of stupidity. I hope it does find a home. I recorded both it and the Event. I wonder how may people watched it recorded which is probably a better marker of audience interest. I’ve also read that may shows that went on to become incredibly successful did not do well in their first and sometimes second year. To make a decision after two showings seems incredibly foolish, and to not air the four show are already produced strikes me as utterly stupid considering the sheer volume of… Read more »
I really like the show. Like it was said above something new and different. I was really looking forward in seeing after House. I really was interested in how things were going on the show. If it goes on a different network I will also follow and watch it.
Now I have not had the privilage of watching this show yet, and I probably should before giving my opinon of it. However reading threw the privious comments Im going to have to stick with my own judgment that I would not care for the show, specially after reading Zaks comment about lie to me. any fan of lie to me has to have some pretty good taste in showings. But I should also state that with “the event” going against this show, Im not to supprised about its low raitings, I am a little upset with “the event” because… Read more »
Bring it back. It was more interesting than most of this years new line up. The show had a great cast and an intriguing plot…unlike many other shows that now I regret scheduling in my DVR. Fox was premature pulling it after the second episode. Other shows are revealing they are crap, and now it would be nice to have this show back. I hope to see this picked up by another network that can take the risk that might just be rewarding after its all said and done. Poo on you Fox!
I thought this show was mediocre, The main guy was an unbelievable con man, getting in that deep all the while he has this great big heart of gold? Don’t believe it. Neither do I believe if he wanted to go straight he would keep leading on 2 women at the same time. The character development wasn’t there as well. I hated this show and while I am sorry these people are out of work, I did not enjoy it at all and am glad Lie to Me is back on.
I loved this show – something new, different with lots of possibilities. I hope to see it somewhere else – was really looking forward to it last night![🙁](
second that LEE. People dont know a good show when they see one. Might have to think too much and hurt their heads!!
I enjoyed this show because it had a unique story line and believable characters. I hope it will be picked up by another network. I will definitely be a follower!
I loved the show and think the only thing going against it was “The Event”. I would like to see USA Network pick it up as they love ‘characters’.