If haven’t heard, ABC has cancelled The Chew. Now, the TV show’s hosts have posted their reactions to the network’s decision.
The daytime talk show features hosts Michael Symon, Carla Hall, and Clinton Kelly discussing current events, food, and lifestyle-related topics. The series premiered in 2011 and is currently in its seventh season.
On social media, Hall, Symon, and Kelly reacted to ABC‘s cancellation of The Chew, thanking fans for all their support:
I am so grateful for all the good times and incredible friends I have made over the past seven years on @thechew. It has truly been an amazing ride.
I am looking forward to new adventures! What’s next? Stay tuned! Onward and upward! #adventurefollows pic.twitter.com/DtPcCS22NE
— Carla Hall (@carlahall) May 23, 2018
What do you think? Do you watch The Chew? Are you sad it’s ending?
I hope another network will pick in up. I watch it every day. Love the show and the host, they should cancel the view instead. please keep it on the air.
I totally agree with you
Travesty is an understatement when referring to the cancellation of our favorite show! Hubby & I have enjoyed the show since its inception and look forward each day to its inspiring and lighthearted entertainment, great cooking ideas (segments) and “clean” humor. We can not say enough good things about Michael, Carla and Clinton (the glue that held them all together) The hour all of them (and those who made the show possible) will be sorely missed! We can only hope that another network realizes the value of these talented and knowledgeable individuals and pick up the show or a variance… Read more »
I’m saddened and depressed by this news. I watch The Chew everyday, even when I should be doing something else. It’s so upbeat and happy! And I love to try out their recipes. What gives with your decision ABC?? Well, I’ll be switching to another channel.
Me too!
I am so so sad to see this show end. It made me so happy just to watch these talented and funny people—-please, someone else pick up this show!!!
I love the show the Chew, it was different, fun to watch & the Hosts were & are truly awesome! Love the Hosts, the fun, the food with new ideas ! They are fun crazy , very sad!!!!
I don’t get it. They have GREAT chemistry that shows on screen. It’s such a positive show, for a change. I’m so DISAPPOINTED that it’s been cancelled. Maybe ABC needs a new program director. We don’t need more negative reporting I hope that ABC will reconsider.
i think abc is making a big mistake cancelling the chew. the chemistry of carla, simon and
Clinton and cooking and crafting ideas theres no show like it.. please reconsider and bring it back if not on abc on another network . this show made my day . we don’t need another hour of GMA .
I can’t believe that CBS is this stupid. Without doubt one of the all time great lives shows ever. Extremely upset over this
Is it CBS or ABC? Whoever it is they made a huge mistake! I will definitely “turn the channel’! I am also extremely upset!
I think ABC is making a huge mistake canceling The Chew. I’ve only been watching the show since last year but, i’ve become a giant fan. I look forward to watching it everyday. The lack of politics and laughter plus food, I mean what’s not to like? A third hour of GMA? Really? Whose brilliant idea was that? Well, thanks for the great show I really wish I’d started watching sooner, except it would still be gone.
Do our positive comments make any difference? Who makes these decisions? Who’s in charge here? The public, the endorsers with products to sell? Is there an “electoral college”?
I don’t think ABC is thinking! Excellent hosts, excellent recipes, excellent cooking tips and excellent guests – an excellent show for people who can’t afford cable to watch the Cooking or Food Channels! I don’t get it!
I agree!
please bring it back bad move ABC shame on you for the best show
I can’t believe that you have cancelled the Chew. I would guess that it is a result of Mario, which is ridiculous. The three left work so well together and are a joy to watch. Please reconsider your decision, you will not get anything at that hour of the day that will begin to draw a as many viewers. I hope Food Network picks them up and shows you what a mistake you have made.
Yes! Mario is not much of a loss. His embarrassment should not reflect on this wonderful show and the truly charismatic personalities of Clinton, Michael and Carla. They are the heart of this popular, uplifting, informative show. You can not get anything as good. I would watch “The Chew” on ANY other network! You have made a huge mistake!
This is a travesty
Why do the very best shows always get cancelled? What idiots make these decisions? I will really miss this show.
Only one of two daytime shows i currently watch. Dont watch two hours of Good Morning America so sure i wont watch the additional hour. Disheartening to take off a nice, congenial show with great people, which also has learning content. What is Disney thinking? Or isnt it?
I agree 100%. This show is a bright spot in a day of outrageous news. I enjoyed the humor and comraderie of the delightful cohosts. Since I will not be watching another hour of GMA I guess I can be grateful for a new-found free hour in my day.
Is there any chance another network will pick up this awesome show?
I really used to rely on this show during the lunch hour when I was working to have a fun, uplifting, stress reducing space. Then, since I retired, it has still been my favorite show! I have always taped it, tried and printed out the recipes, learned great techniques. What will I do now? Not watch another soap opera, news station, or people yelling at each other around a table! Maybe I will do more gardening or take a nap!
I will truely miss the Chew. Watching the Chew has brightened my day as I went though some real hard times in my life. I am so sad to see this show go away. I am dying and it kept my mind off of the sad things happening to me. Sending all my love and my thankfulness to Michael, Carla and Clinton. You guys are the best.
im going to miss the chew very much. i’m a 68 year lady that watch the chew everyday. its sad that there going to put a another talk show on, we have to many of them now. those talk shows don’t make me laugh the crew on the chew sure do. what happen to listen to the people we know what is good. everyone is so worried about there ratings on tv that it stinks. I’m sorry to the chew and the crew you had a good show.My heart is going to be broken and I love you all.
Laughter IS the best medicine. The Chew helps a lot of us going through health issues. May God Bless You!