Today’s ratings brought more bad news for ABC’s Zero Hour TV series. While there’s no doubt that ABC will cancel the show, the question remains, “When?”
For those who haven’t seen it, Zero Hour follows a paranormal magazine publisher (Anthony Edwards) whose wife suddenly disappears. While he and his associates try to find her, they start to uncover a bigger mystery and must save the world from an impending disaster. The cast also includes Scott Michael Foster, Addison Timlin, Jacinda Barrett, Carmen Ejogo, and Michael Nyqvist.
Following mixed reviews, Zero Hour debuted last week to an in-season premiere low for the network — a 1.4 demo rating with 6.38 million viewers. Last night, the numbers got worse.
Per the fast affiliate ratings, the second episode drew only a 1.1 rating with 5.32 million viewers — a decline of 17-21%.
A couple years ago, ABC pulled My Generation after two low-rated episodes. The network let other ratings disappointments — Last Resort and 2011’s Charlie’s Angels — run quite a bit longer.
It seems likely that ABC will pull Zero Hour either today or before next week’s airing. They could keep it on the air for a bit longer but that seems doubtful since they can get better numbers from reruns.
Whatever they choose to do with the timeslot, hopefully they’ll release the remaining episodes so viewers who like the series will get some kind of resolution to the story.
What do you think? Will ABC pull Zero Hour before next Thursday or let it run longer? Do you think they’ll let the whole season air on television? Release it online or drop it altogether?
one thing that bores me is the clocks… enough with them .. the first episode had amazing potential , but they are overusing the whole clock thing and its boring as hell
Yeah, I wanted to watch this, but the time is just not good. I already watch 2 other shows at the time the show is on. Maybe I’ll check it On Demand. I know there are only so many time slots for a show, but I’m sure they could have found a different night for it.
Put it on Friday or Saturday. At least finish the story for those of us that have already invested 2 hours of our lives.
Thought provoking shows like this are rare. Promote it, switch the time/night then give it a fair run. At the least, make the episodes, already in the can, available for streaming.
Do they consider in ratings that it’s been on HULU for a couple weeks now??? It’s beyond ridiculous how every good show is cancelled. I actually got rid of my DTV last week because they cancel everything good. Now it’s all Hulu for me.
PLEASE DON’T CANCEL! This show is excellent.
The timeslot is the problem. Please! All of the good shows are getting cancelled!
We love the show! Better than most
I agree. What ever happened to building an audience?
Pull it from the time slot all together! Not worth the time….
I saw plenty of promos on this show and figured I’d give it a try. Unfortunately I found the show stale and couldn’t engage with the characters. This is the type of show I would watch is I liked it, but I don’t. So they’ll get zero more hours from me.
If it is dropped, I hope it will be picked up by a network like SyFy or FX. It has a lot of potential.
Wow, potentially canceling after airing two episodes? Why not try a different time slot as this really is an interesting show. I want to see where it takes us. But then again I really liked Last Resort.
When you look at IDMB(?) they have filmed 13 episodes so maybe they do plan on continuing until those are complete. ??
Because of very little advertising & marketing with advanced previews, hardly anyone knows about this show… Cannot compete in that time-slot so move it to a different night like Sunday. The story is good, give it a chance people and lets find out how it ends. Please keep it on tv but move to a different night, like Sunday, & market it better.
It’s the same way “they” killed “The Firm” last year.
At least they let it run on Saturday nights to finish what they had in the can.
We love it!!!!! We have to Hulu, but we love it!
I stumbled upon the show two weeks ago, not having seen any promos for it and loved it, To me it came out of nowhere and I am sure will develop a following if put in a similiar time slot as X Files was as it has a similiar flavour.
Give it a chance. Maybe on another night. It’s hard going up against “American Idol” and “The Big Bang Theory”!!!!