(Freeform / David Bukach)
Another TV show is shuffling off this mortal coil to the great beyond. Freeform has cancelled its Beyond TV show after two seasons. Since there will be no season three, the March 22nd season two finale, “There’s No Home for You Here,” will have to suffice as the unintentional Beyond TV series finale.
A Freeform sci-fi drama, Beyond stars Burkely Duffield, Romy Rosemont, Michael McGrady, Jonathan Whitesell, Dilan Gwyn, Jeff Pierre, and Eden Brolin. The mystery centers on Holden Matthews (Duffield), who woke after a dozen years in a coma to find himself in the midst of a conspiracy — in a changed world.
Beyond: A Look at the Ratings
The second season of Beyond averaged a 0.08 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 244,000 viewers. Compared to season one, that’s down by 48% and 56%, respectively. Overall, it was the least watched of Freeform’s scripted TV shows, and only rose one spot in the demo, so the cancellation makes sense.
Deadline has confirmed the Beyond cancellation by Freeform.
What do you think? Are you a fan of the Beyond TV show? Should Freeform have cancelled or renewed this TV series for a third season? Sound off, in the comments.
I just finished season 2 but where is season 3 or just put an ending let us continue the joy please
Just got to the end of the second season again! Watched the two seasons twice. Get gripped and have to binge! Need season three. PLEASE someone take up the mantel. Give us answers
This show means a lot to all of us all over the world you cancel every good show this isn’t right find someone else to sponsor it bring it back I’m sure someone else will sponsor it and make lots of money off of it it is a world wide show we watch it everywhere like cloak and dagger this goes for that to BRING IT BACK. We will fight for it can’t wait to see the next season
Put season 3 of Beyond on Netflix!!! I hated how they left it!
I found Beyond by being bored one day at home. Binge watched for 3 days straight. Show is/was AMAZING. I even told my friends about it. Told them they had to watch and them bam, gone. Really nail biting every episode. Great writing. Every one left me on the edge of my seat. I have never binged ANYTHING and I finally do just to be let down and disappointed because cancelled. I think you should really reconsider and maybe come back with a new network. The writing, characters, everything was great. If you do renew advertising helps. SHOW IS AMAZING!!!!!!
I thought the characters had more to offer than the other Boring series out there. I’ll miss the show and I’m left wonder where will Holden find true happiness. This world or in the realm?
Thought it had potential and hoped it would get a season three.
Want more episodes…I was getting more engrossed as it went on
I was leery but as it progressed it kept me engrossed and wanted more….hopefully there will be a 3rd season……was just getting good
I thought that beyond was great loved i loved season one and two i hope tou reconsider making more season of beyond
just found this program several weeks ago. Binged watched both seasons in two weeks. Found it was surprisingly entertaining. Was looking forward to a season 3. Too bad it was cancelled!
There should defenitly be a season 3…
First of all they should not have made us wait an entire year for season two. (I could understand the 1o episodes as first seasons are usually the big test run) but then after a year they only come out with a 10 episode second season? In that time they could have made 20 something episodes. Most people in the year after season 1 forgot about it and others tuned in only to be disappointed that with such a long wait we didn’t get compensation for our patience with more content. You don’t do 10 episode seasons and wait a… Read more »
I just started watching Beyond this week and I’m hooked. You have to do what the gentleman below said. Get your new network name more recognition and then advertise your shows. There is a huge potential fan base out there that haven’t had the chance to get to know or see the shows in Freeform. Beyond deserves another chance!
Beyond should be renewed. Just started watching with a bunch of other people and it’s a great show. Keep the 1st seasons available for a while and you’ll see people watching more and more.
i was looking forward to beyond season three so much i waited until it aired to watch it and now to find out it was cancelled is so disappointing. Please bring Beyond back !!
Me! Just finished the season 2 finale and just saw it was cancelled! I’m pissed!! Why can’t another channel pick it up?