(Photo by: Peter Kramer/NBC)
Manifest fans may still receive answers to all the burning questions left by the cancelled NBC TV show. Jeff Rake, the series creator, is still trying to find a way to wrap up the drama for the fans. He originally planned a six-season run for the sci-fi series, but Manifest was cancelled after three seasons on the network.
Fans have been outspoken about the NBC show’s cancellation, and there were talks with Netflix about potentially ordering a fourth season since the first two seasons have performed well on the service.
Rake shared the following on social media about his plans for the series:
Your support is awe-inspiring. We’re trying to find a way to conclude the series. Could take a week, a month, a year. But we’re not giving up. You deserve an end to the story.
Keep the conversation alive. If it works out, it’s because of YOU.
— Jeff Rake (@jeff_rake) June 27, 2021
What do you think? Do you want to see the rest of Manifest’s story in some form? Would a comic book or novel satisfy you or, would it have to be a filmed finale?
just another reason i try not to get involved with a network drama series… i’ve been burned too many times – why does NBC or any other network think they can simply cancel a series before it is concluded….? I was drawn into this show early on, but the third season was very disappointing. Even with that, it would be nice to have some sort of closure after spending hours trying to understand how the shows creator was going to wrap everything up – and maybe explain a few things….. looks like it’s streaming vids from now on….
I have watched Manifest since it started and had it set to record if I was ever away from my TV. It is one of the best shows and keeps you glued to the action. Letting this show go is a terrible mistake. We are all waiting to find out how this will all end up. Please someone bring back the next three seasons.
Come on we demand an ending to this show..You guys on regular TV stations leave us hanging way to much, not fair, no wonder we do not support you as much anymore!!! I hope it goes to Netflix (my favorite way to watch everything!!!!
After wat hung Manifest all this time we deserve an ending! We did our part, now it’s up,to you!
I think it’s horrible for NBC to keep adding new shows and abruptly ending them! We deserve an ending! Maybe we should boycott all/any new shows you think we will like! I feel that the writers should demand a contract that says you can’t end the show without a finale! This would solve the issue. How about giving us the ending in a 2 hour TV movie? Anything is better than acting like we don’t matter!
As fans of the show as well as faithful watchers of other NBC shows we deserve to have a conclusion to this storyline. Not just a half baked conclusion but a conclusion worthy of this show. It’s REALLY UNFAIR to fans to watch an ongoing storyline to just be cut off or sent to another network or app. Fans pay top dollar to watch cable in this time of hardship on many without expecting fans to pay additional costs for other networks or apps. CBS has done it with Paramount + and the Travel & History channels and in the… Read more »
Please give us an ending!!!!
Look at the interest in this show.
What were they thinking when they cancelled it??
Another reality show? No one cares for them.
reality shows are for the Pits.. So tired of passing them by.. BORING!! I do not enjoy someone telling there sad, sad story’s with the tears & the snot running! I want to be entertained with suspense and surprises and excitement. Something I have to look forward to be answered. I watch TV for entertainment, not the boring life of same-O-same-O..When we live it we do not to See It..
If there is no answering the questions that were raised, I don’t want to watch anymore, but if there is hope of a conclusion, I still want to watch!
Yes, we definitely need the series to be wrapped up for a satisfied ending where all questions are answered!!
I think it was ridiculous to cancel Manifest, it was something different from the usual stuff we get, lets hope NBC have a change of heart.
good luck with that – network execs don’t have hearts – just cold little chunks of coal where their hearts once were and a heavy finger on the delete button… it’s only about ratings and MONEY….. fans get the short end of the stick every time (still mad about Firefly)
Please! Please please PLEASE! I’m still absolutely devastated Manifest was cancelled, any ‘wrap-up’ at this point will of course feel rushed since the plan was three more seasons but *anything* is better than just totally ending on that shocking finale!
Yes!! Because I did not like that last episode @ all!! I need a conclusion.
We need to have all of the lose ends tied up. We really need to have this fantastic show to continue and Netflix should NOT have passed on it. Terrible move. And terrible for NBC to cancel it. What were you all thinking??? Bring back Manifest!!! Miss all of the cast!!!
I absolutely want to see the show continue!! We fans want answers! Manifest is a TV show that has intrigue, suspense and makes you think. I think NBC was dumb to cancel it.