(TV Land)
School’s out forever. TV Land has cancelled its Teachers TV show after three seasons. Since there will be no fourth season of the sitcom, once the final chapter wraps up, TV Land will be without original series in its lineup. Parent-company Viacom began switching shows between its cable networks, as part of a larger change that also saw the former Spike TV rebranded as Paramount Network, which is where Younger season six will air.
A TV Land comedy, Teachers is based on a web series of the same name from The Katydids improv group. The show revolves around six elementary school teachers who are trying to mold young minds — but their own lives aren’t really together. Caitlin Barlow, Katy Colloton, Cate Freedman, Kate Lambert, Katie O’Brien, and Kathryn Thomas star. The final run of episodes, Teachers season 3B, premieres on January 15, 2019.
Teachers: A Look at the Ratings
The third season of Teachers is averaging a 0.09 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 368,000 viewers. Compared to season two, that’s down by 27% and 29%, respectively. Learn how Teachers stacks up against other TV Land TV shows
The Teachers TV show cancellation has been confirmed by Deadline. Here’s more:
There had been chatter that TV Land may revert to its original business model of being exclusively a home for classic sitcom reruns. That does not appear to be the case, at least not for now, though there are no originals in the works.
What do you think? Are you a fan of the Teachers TV series? Had it been up to you, would TV Land have cancelled or renewed Teachers for season four?
I worked in classroom (teaching assistant, SpEd) for 19 years. This show was SO funny! Every character reminded me of someone I knew (albiet, they were exagerated- but isn’t that what comedy is…) I think the ratings were down 3rd season due to people cutting the cord with cable and satelite companies- the only place you could get it. Perhaps if there was a way to stream it it would reach a wider audience. I hope another network picks it up. Fox…? *they picked up Last Man Standing after it was cancelled
This show should have never been able to be on the air it’s a disgrace
NO!! This was the funniest show! I hope someone else picks it up. We lived watching this show!
As an elementary teacher I loved this series, i just was catching up on episodes and got to series finale and had to pause and look up.. I am sad to see it go. It was hilarious but also sometimes relatable.. there are no shows about teachers just being teachers..its usually movie about some supposed life changing savior who helped inner city kids and in returned “learned something too” nothing funny or just about everyday life as a teacher.. I am sad to see this go
Please do NOT cancel Teachers! This is one of the few shows left to watch that is truly entertaining. Im not a teacher but still find this sitcom very funny and very entertaining! Please bring this show back for another season!
I absolutely LOVED TEACHERS. I recorded the series and watched every week. The show was hilarious. As a teacher of older students it was such fun to watch.
What happened to Ms. Feldman? I was expecting to see her return for the wedding as a surprise in the last episode.
I will miss this show so much…
Love the show hate to see it end? Always got great laughs!
I LOVE the show Teachers!! PLEASE give us season 4!! It’s so funny!! We need to laugh!! Please!!!!
I love the show Teachers & think it should be renewed! Have not seen too many promos for the show over the past season and maybe this has affected the ratings. Please reconsider! The show is really funny and also touches on real issues facing teachers, parents & kids now!
My wife and I LOVED Teachers. This is almost criminal.
NOOOOO… OH MY GOD OMG OMG – PLEASE DO NOT IT’S SUCH A FUNNY SHOW. What, did the actors ask for too much salary for a next season?? Hi from San Diego CA USA. Used to wish I taught 6-8th Gr math or science.
They should have kept Miss Feldman. The show definitely lost its edge when she left. I didn’t realize my first comment took… D’oh !
They should have kept Miss Feldman. She was my favorite character. Without her the show definitely lost its edge.
Love this show!! Always makes me laugh. Sad to see it end.
Only saw a few episodes but I loved them! Great actors! Very funny! Sorry to see it go. I think there are just too many shows to watch/binge watch these days. Farewell Teachers…I’ll miss you