FOX pulls Vanished from primetime. Will the drama return? Will Sara Collins be found? Will fans see the mystery resolved? Tune in to find out!
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@sadi: you can watch it in the video section of this site.
Hey does anyone know where i could see the finale of vanished?? is it out on dvd??/
Really, who cares. It’s just another series where the only reason there is any suspense is because the characters unaccountably won’t say anything of any value to each other. I’m so sick of these kind of scripts. I wonder when, finally, enough people are going to get fed up with this over-used and poorly written plot device to prompt the series writers into doing a little better?
Will we ever get to see episode 14-22 of vanished
where can I buy a box set! I started watching the series and then went on holiday and missed a whole heap!!
So in the UK its getting later and later on at night (same night though) with just one more show to go I’m gutted that I’ve read about how its been cut and how the final episode leaves everyone in suspense with out the answers and with no next series. Don’t take this the wrong way but one of the best series to come out of the states for a while. When you do it right we will watch it, shame we end up getting the commercial dross instead. Series 2 please.
well um from Botswana in Southern Africa and currently in Kenya for study, a friend of mine had the dvd so i got to watch all of season 1 yesterday, yep its the best i’ve seen in a while, whoever is behind it better *** back with season 2, the last episode was a real cliffhanger, will she really be found or does she end up in the hands of her abductors again?
I loved this show! I wish I knew which man Sara really loved the most (I mean, once she got the lies about the Senator out of her head), and what the heck was in those pesky scrolls that the Masons would do just about anything to translate!!!? Have the producers blogged the answers anywhere?
vanished is the best show yet, please i beg of u bring it back i’ll really like to find out how it ended.Beautiful story line.
For the longest while I have been trying to find out what happened to the show. Only recently I went to the store to find out whether the DVD was available for sale.
this was a great show. why cancel.