Blindspot has already been renewed for a second season on NBC, but there are rumors of troubles on set. The new rumors come from Page Six – which means to take them with a grain of salt.
The Page Six report stated that Jaimie Alexander has been complaining about the fake tattoos covering her body for the series. She claims that they are making her sick because they are “poisonous.” The report also claims that four tattoo artists and a hairdresser were fired from the production last week.
As a sidenote, in addition to the claims about her tattoos, the report also states that Alexander and her co-star, Sullivan Stapleton, do not get along.
According to the report, a source from the set said:
“She tried to have him fired and replaced, which is pretty amazing considering their characters are supposed to develop a romantic interest.”
Are you a fan of Blindspot? Do you believe these rumors from the set? Tell us what you think.
I don’t think there’s ever been much chemistry between Ms. Alexander and Mr. Stapleton. I don’t see it with the other characters either. I like the show with its twists and turns, and many of the secondary characters, though at least one is always over the top exaggerated.
This is a terrific show. It’s a shame that when there’s a show that is really good that the actors/actresses can’t get along. I think if I made the kind of money they do, I could try a little harder to get along with everyone. I’m sure it takes a long time to put all of those tattoos on but surely she knew this when she took the part. I hope she will try to get along. I would hate to see her replaced.
I find it hard to believe an actress would get permanent tattoos applied for a single role (that can be cancelled at any time). This sounds more like satire it’s so ridiculous.
Huh? Do you watch Blindspot?
They certainly aren’t “permanent.” LOL
I don’t think the tattoos are permanent.
Of course they are not permanent. I’m sure they are made with non-toxic ink as well, like the tattoos one used to get from boxes of Cracker Jacks. They use a fixative so they don’t blur with sweat, but come right off with soap and water.
None of the actors on the show are currently “A-listers.” I’m sure each would like to be, though. They need to act like professionals on and off screen. None wants to destroy their chance at future success as did Jussie Smollett, formerly of Empire.
I know blind spots been renewed for a second season it is an excellent show so everybody’s not getting along just put their feelings to the side and get along because I know this could be a long running show for many seasons to come I love the showing everybody I know that watches it loves it so everybody just get along.
Why don’t you go a talk them through their issues then.
That was ugly of you to say that. With the money that they make I would think they would try hard to get along.
If it’s from an unreliable tabloid, I wouldn’t take this seriously. They’re always wanting to make a buck from spreading rumors. I, myself, think the actors work well together.
Page Six is a column in the New York Post.
A major tabloid, The National Enquirer just broke the Charlie Sheen HIV story last week. Don’t be so quick to criticise tabloids.
So you think a tabloid should research, write, print, & deliver their publication for FREE?
Of course they make money.
Do you work for free?
Who said anything about the tabloids being free? I didn’t read the word free anywhere.
I really enjoy this new series. If the tattoos are making her sick, it would make sense that the producers would find a different ink/different artist to apply the tattoos. There surely must be more than one way to get these tattoos done ! As far as personalities clashing on set… these two persons should grow up and make things work between them…. This is not a real-life relationship….. it’s an enacted relationship for the sake of entertainment, and they’re getting paid to make it look believable !!! This series is too good to let these things become a major… Read more »
I agree with you!!! Its not like you really have to go home with each other just fix the tat issues and get on with the story!!! its been a long time since a new show has been this engaging for me. I dont want it to end!!
You said that good!
Their on-screen persona is great. I hope they both stay with it.
I’ve watched serials 1and 2 is nbc going to have
a season 3. Other body I would like to know if nbc
is going to continue with season 3
Pray tell what happens in Season 2, or that matter the end of Season 1. All other mortals here on Earth have only seen the first few episodes of Season 1.
Not so!!
I think of the two keep Sullivan. Heck he was goid in Strike Back.
Should the rumors be true ; I would find a way to replace Alexander … Yup, Alexander, why not just write her out and get her for breech of contract … figure it out … my opinion, thanks
I agree. There is no chemistry between Jaime and Sullivan. At this point her intensity is irritating. Can barely understand why show was renewed.
Great idea…….get rid of the lead actor AND the entire point of the show…..hilair……
I also saw no chemistry between them. I’m rooting against this show. I like the premise but not liking the lead combo. Have the female die. The guy swears to avenge her. A new hotter female lead is found naked in dumpster with even more tattoos. Guy pulls up his shirt turns out he was tattooed in his sleep as well…then I be back to watch!
I thjink its all malarkey! I really doubt she is tryting to have him fired. And I afree Dee she shoud be happy shes working. There are so many who are not.
I think its all malarkey,
MosteTV shows are. I watch for entertainment and that’s all. I live every day life in reality, when I watch TV I don’t want to watch real life.
I like the show. She should keep quiet and be glad she has a job.
Because that’s worth getting sick every day (If it’s true).