Which FOX TV shows will be cancelled or renewed for the 2011-12 season? Most of the schedule was in repeats once again but there was a couple exceptions. On Wednesday, the network aired an original episode of Human Target. This installment was up by 21% in the demo when compared to last week’s episode but that wasn’t enough to move its season demo ranking. Mr. Chance is still in big trouble.
FOX also aired another episode of Million Dollar Money Drop. It was up by 8% in the demo versus the last episode but fell in the rankings just a bit because the initial episodes did much better.
Wonder if your favorite FOX show’s been renewed or cancelled? Check out our comprehensive list. We’ll keep updating it as new info becomes available.
Below is a list of the regular FOX TV shows and their 2010-11 season average ratings to date. It only incorporates the ratings for original episodes that have aired this season, not repeats. The data is sorted by the 18-49 demographic averages, the group that advertisers will pay the most to reach. The “compared to” column reflects whether the demo average has gone up, down, or stayed the same since last week.
Demo rank | Scripted TV Shows | Average viewers (millions) | Average 18-49 demo | Compared to last week | |
1 | Glee (renewed) | 11.61 | 4.8 | --- | |
2 | House | 10.08 | 3.8 | --- | |
3 | The Simpsons | 8.20 | 3.7 | --- | |
3 | Family Guy | 7.53 | 3.7 | --- | |
5 | The Cleveland Show | 6.41 | 3.0 | --- | |
6 | American Dad | 5.71 | 2.7 | --- | |
7 | Raising Hope (renewed) | 6.26 | 2.6 | --- | |
8 | Bones | 9.28 | 2.5 | --- | |
9 | Lie To Me | 5.54 | 1.9 | --- | |
9 | Fringe | 5.08 | 1.9 | --- | |
11 | Human Target | 6.04 | 1.6 | --- | |
11 | Running Wilde (cancelled) | 3.72 | 1.6 | --- | |
13 | Lone Star (cancelled) | 3.66 | 1.1 | --- | |
14 | The Good Guys (cancelled) | 2.46 | 0.7 | --- | |
Demo rank | News or Reality TV Shows | Average viewers (millions) | Average 18-49 demo | Compared to last week | |
1 | Hell's Kitchen 9pm | 6.33 | 2.7 | --- | |
1 | Hell's Kitchen 8pm | 6.03 | 2.7 | --- | |
3 | Million Dollar Money Drop | 5.13 | 1.8 | down | |
4 | America's Most Wanted | 4.83 | 1.6 | --- | |
5 | Cops | 4.45 | 1.5 | --- | |
The closer a show is to the bottom of the list, the closer it is to being cancelled (if it hasn’t been cancelled already like The Good Guys and Lone Star). If it’s closer to the top of the list, it’s more likely to be renewed. Shows that are in the middle (“on the bubble”) can be a little tougher to call. Their future typically comes down to other factors like overall costs, contracts, who produces the show, and what new shows are on the horizon.
The list has been separated into two sections. Of the two, scripted programming is the most expensive. News and reality TV shows are less expensive to produce but the networks can’t program just news/reality (though they might like to since they are less of a financial risk).
It should be noted that Friday and Saturday nights are the least watched evenings of television so ratings for shows on those nights are lower. The networks understand this and take it into account. However, regardless of when a show is aired, its production costs remain the same. Ultimately, it must still be profitable enough for the network to keep ordering more episodes.
Raw data: © The Nielsen Company via Media Week. Nielsen doesn’t release the final Friday and Saturday night ratings until a few days later. The ratings with an “*” may change slightly once the final numbers are released.
What do you think? Which shows do you think won’t survive to see a new season?
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Image courtesy FOX.
PLEASE KEEP HUMAN TARGET , it’s my favorite show, finally a show that my whole family can watch.
You guys are brutal. Put the show in a decent timeslot and leave it there. Advertise it. I love this show. There are not many on anymore that I can stand and I look forward to seeing Human Target when I can find it. Bones, Lie To Me, Fringe and Human Target are the few I watch!
we love human target, please don’t cancel the show. please stop moving it from one night to another.
I agree with the comment made above to keep the show at a decent time slot, also agree with it being a mistake to cancel the good guys, imagine all the people watching USA, or Spike tv regularly on cable to catch shows like these, seems Fox would want to compete with those instead we keep crap. KEEP HUMAN TARGET!!! mistake to take it off the air, you should be tired for paying for advertising new shows all the time, this was a hit and one season is not enough for a show to establish it self anymore, it is… Read more »
I would be very sad to see human target go, my family and I are always looking foward to it, though it kept moving days, maybe our household is not enough, I enjoy the plots and it leaves a lot of room for more episodes to build off of. The characters work well together, seems like there was not enough time for some of these shows to get to fruition, there is a following building and it would be a big mistake by the network to pull this show. Again keep human target, put it on a decent night, not… Read more »
I love Human Target, and so do a lot of my friends, we have discussions about the show, and we are upset that it may be cancelled. I had pressed record the series on my cable box, and was upset that it was not there on the days to be programmed. There are a few shows on Fox which should be cancelled as they are really BAD. The actors on Human Target are excellent. Give them another chance for another season.
I love Human Target and also loved The Good Guys. How about giving some of these shows a chance, Fox? Advertise them and play them in the same time slot for more than one season before you drop them. I Love Lucy was not a hit immediately. Fox has kept some really poor quality shows on for much longer. Why not give some good shows with good actors a chance?
AGAIN I SAY – this show needs a time slot and day of the week to air WHERE WE CAN FIND IT TO WATCH IT! We are in the 50 to 65 age group and love this show! Give it a chance – GIVE CHANCE . . . A CHANCE!
Please do not cancel Human Target. This is one of the few decent, entertaining shows on TV today. Reality shows are ridiculous and so much of the others are just trash. It is no wonder that Human Target’s ratings are not that high, as they are moved around so often and not advertised, you never know when it will air. KEEP HUMAN TARGET ALIVE!
Well here we go again with canceling a show that’s at least fun to watch. With all of the reality crap on TV now, I really am convinced the mainstream viewership has lost it. Please don’t cancel some iota of entertainment.
No wonder people are watching more cable shows, when really good shows like Human Target are moved around and not given adequate publicity for an audience to find it. It would be a shame if Human Target is cancelled before it finds it’s place. Don’t do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plese don’t cancel Human Target. I just thought it got prempted by the President’s speech which made me mad enough. will that episode from last night be aired another day?
@sandy peel: Yes.
Where was human target this week? This is a great show. I don’t understand. The recorder showed the episode of Guerrera being framed for murder. where was the show. It taped raising hope and hell’s kitchen. Bring back Human Target asap.
Given how they have completely mangled last season’s great dynamic on Human Target by throwing in the ubiquitous generic female characters into the mix, it is no surprise the show is now on life support. It has become a watered-down parody of itself.
once the character was actually given a cvhance the writing was not that bad, I qustioned it at first but have found it to get better, also allows different directions for show to go, still not grounds for cancelling,